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B.M.W Ltd

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Posts posted by B.M.W Ltd

  1. Sorry to drag this back up (see what I did there?) but I'd thought I'd check how everyone is still going?

    I've been smoke free for 5 weeks now and going strong (using Champix).

    Smoked for 20 years, glad it's behind me.


    When you get further down the track it'll be behind you. Five weeks isn't long enough to get it behind you, especially when using a substitute like champix.

    Good luck though... it's not easy. Nearly 4 years for me now

  2. I treat the forums as a refuge from the people on Facebook. I may not contribute much around here but value the community here a heck of a lot more than the Facebook one.

    We should have a thread where we discuss where we would like to see the fourms go and how we can consciously contribute to achieve it.

    I certainly think its possible, I've seen it done before. This is our community, there's little stopping us from being aware and conscious of cultures we want to develop.

    I would hate for the forums to completely disappear as the thought of bring exposed solely to the Facebook scares my very core

    I totally agree with you Howard. We have lost many very valuable and knowledgeable people over the years due to the children that tend to come & go and contribute f**k all to the community.

  3. I might also add, even the best made tool in the world will be a destructive weapon in the hands of a person without the knowledge to use it properly. All tools and equipment need a brain to operate it with experience & knowledge on how that tools works to achieve a satisfying result.

    You must also be aware of how to operate or use that tool in a safe manner

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  4. I have this airbag reset tool.


    OBD1 & OBD2

    Finds the fault and dishes out the code, you repair the fault, then use the reset tool to extinguish the dash light.

    It only works when the fault is repaired obviously.

    Free use, will ship if the shipping costs are covered.

    That only works if you can interpret the fault code. Many fault codes are the result of something else that triggers that particular fault. SRS fault codes are one good example. ie: Drivers airbag is not always the air bag. It can be the squib ring or wiring. Occupancy sensor can be wiring, plugs or sensor mat. The list goes on and gets harder with different systems, control units and models.

    Have fun guys. We deal with this sh*t all day and can still get it wrong.... and our scanners don't cost $100 on Ebay. I have about $20,000 dollars invested over the years in diagnostic equipment, which we will be upgrading soon

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