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Everything posted by bumpstop325

  1. bumpstop325

    Geek advise

    record us a beat, emma. and stick it on the net.
  2. For real??s6 RX-7 and the MAZDA 26b quad rotor that won the 24hr.
  3. I take it that whole has made itself bigger in the metal. If i am right then, What happens hear is that the whole made for the bolt to go through. Over the years with heating and rusting and other metal stuff. Its made itself (the hole) bigger in diameter. So just to do it up will do no good. You need a new hole or dill out the hole bigger and pack some spacers to fill the gap. It can be done.
  4. english is used correctly on this site. At all times. Thank you. It sounds to me as if your thrust/release bearing is stuffed. the only way to get rid of this is buying a new one. You can get this from your local BNT dealer. Under 'BNT'in the whitepages or you could go to a BMW dealer ask for the part you want. Abit more spendy from there but its an oem part not a made under licence part.
  5. Apart from the Ninja story. that was the 2nd most interesting post of the whole site. Well done. keep it up. :thumb: can i have what he's having?
  6. some people call it art. funny that
  7. bumpstop325

    New Car

    count how many studs the mags have first hamish.
  8. please elaborate(sp) more.i think the metal one is a bad idea. as it dissolves in the coolant.
  9. i got one. only have the bar. no attachments
  10. That would be badass. my mate one of those on his HQ. I want one on my truck.refe to what mike said, either run a relay in the boot that is connected to the earth of the rear lights. then run a wire to the front of the car, for the driver to operate via a switch.
  11. That hat, rocks my face. arrr... that pic. me + whole bottle of black heart rum = anti social
  12. bumpstop325

    Huge E30 rims

    OT: my mags will pwn faces when when all four are on. mind you it does already with only 2 on.Its costing 120+gst to get reparied. I didnt see an xray machine there. Mind you i dont really know what one looks like.
  13. bumpstop325

    Huge E30 rims

    the wider you go, the more surface area on the road you will have. but remember that the wider the tyre dosnt mean the more grip you will have. If you go too wide, you will end up with less grip. 9" rears would be over kill. on the other hand....wide body kit. with dish. Also, my Zs mag that got burnt will be out of the shop soon. :thumb:
  14. bumpstop325

    Engine oil

    ELF 10w40 rocks my face!!!! fully synthetic from memory. $46 for 5L, from Gull high grade oil for resonable money i used it in my 86 325i and now in my 335i.
  15. dont dis 'sic love'. its good for everybody.
  16. even when correctly adjusted it will still tick. just live with it. its what makes an e30.
  17. bumpstop325


    what about a real europlate? nice. are those just the clip-on eyes?
  18. drive to the conditions, when they change reduce your speed. im glad hes alright but hes stupid for being so careless.
  19. Buy a Bentley manual. It will be your new bible for the life of your car. All information is contained in here about servicing, that sh*t apart and what wears out when. Oh and a Fire extinguisher :thumb:
  20. i hate people who see a truck & trailer in a passing lane(LH Lane) before the end of a merging lane (250m to go). because they will speed up to try and pass the truck but know they dont have enough time unless they speed up heaps. and as much as i hate them doing that i like to indicate before the end of the passing lane, to show that im going to merge right, then cut them off, right after the passing lane ends by moving towards the centre line quickly as possible so that they have to brake hard. because they decided to try and pass you at the end of the passing lane and not at the start. and the funniest thing is that they will then tail gate you, but you cant see them and if you have to stop they will crash into you. and in general the 'i have to pass the truck' attitude that most kiwi drivers have. end rant
  21. 8,9,10mm leads??? i dont think the coil will do anything.put a sticker on it and them dyno!!
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