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Everything posted by sascha

  1. Ah damn, murphys law. As soon as I posted this I found my answer. Feel free to delete! Edit: cheers nathan, just found it online too Well since I've already started a thread, I may as well check- theres no point in me getting the offset ones, since I have adjustable camber up front with the GC's anyway, right?
  2. Is anyone able to elighten me as too why there are e30 control arm bushes with a centered hole and bushes with an offset hole ? I've been looking all over but cant find any info about the reasons? Is it a case of one being better than the other, or are they simply for different applications? Either way, could someone please let me know what I'd need, car is john's old e30 m50, originally a 320i. Sorry if this has been covered, I couldn't find it with a search
  3. sascha

    Albany tornado

    I was in my Geophysics lecture and my lecturer was just handing us printouts of a weather radar of a tornado from ages ago as a basis for writing a report, because "The chances of actually getting a tornado in Auckland for you to analyse are way too small". Then half an hour later, this happened! Stoked the Harbour bridge wasn't closed though
  4. After failing my wof, I'm after some new control arm bushes. Was thinking I may aswell put in some urethane ones if I'm already replacing them. I need the ones labelled #1 in the picture on this site : Visit My Website Shipping for those is US$100, so would rather find some here. Need entire rear number plate lights, I have none. Also need new rear brake pads, seeing if anyone has some upgrades for a reasonable price, Maybe some green stuff EBC ones? Let me know what you have . Might also need new windscreen washers, because the guy failed mine due to their limp-wristed attempt at squirting my windscreen. Will update once I have tried fixing them Edit: will also consider full sets of brake pads
  5. Could be handy for mountain missions this season! Was there more info in the auction you bought it in? if so can you give us a link? What's it got in the way of service history?
  6. sascha

    E30 SA 325i Manual

    But it has new brake pads too! 7500, seriously? I wish they were worth that much
  7. Yeah I know! I was there for ages, he literally checked EVERYTHING on the car.
  8. Oh yeah, went for a wof at MCR on sunnybrae rd, 'cause I had a voucher for a free wof there. Wish I didnt go there now haha. Failed on: Wiper blades, Windscreen washers, Number plate lights (not blown bulbs, there are actually no lights in there!!), Powersteering drive belt, a tyre, rear brake pads and a rubber mount on the steering arm has perished. So nothing too major to fix, other than that radiator support panel. Nathan - yeah its not that bright blue now anyway, covered in dust and sh*t
  9. Failed a wof, for heaps of sh*t Edit: Including the bent rad support panel seen close to the bottom of the page here. The guy recons it's structural, and that needs to be straightened before he passes me! Can someone confirm if he's right or not? Surely if VTNZ always passed it it's fine?
  10. sascha

    Bad taste?

    Hmm it does look like that a little bit, but that might only be cause you mentioned it.. Probably worth moving it down a bit? Whats going in the white patch? Or is that all just going to be black too?
  11. sascha


    Hahah the getting mugged was classic. Gold
  12. I'll happily take both recaros off your hands, I'm so sick of my non-sports seats! Any chance you could put them aside untill I can make it down there? Edit: If not, I know someone down there who could probably hold on to them for me, so let me know either way!
  13. sascha

    E39 528i Manual

    Looks nice, but needs more low
  14. Hey does the interior include matching black leather door cards? Or just ones like in the picture?
  15. Haven't clicked on individual pictures, because my internet might sh*t itself. But going by the thumbnails, that looks super tidy I like verryy much!
  16. Ahhh damn. I searched the Trademe section but not the FS section. My bad! Feel free to delete thread
  17. Visit My Website Thought they might be of interest to someone?
  18. Sweet, interested to see how you get on. Interesting idea with the frankestein rear seat, do you think you can get it looking tidy enough though? Personally I'd try install them as they are, I just think it would be very hard to make cutting and pasting look good outside of the computer world! But good luck either way, keen to see pics
  19. Here's a link that might be usefull if you go ahead with this Visit My Website I would personally prefer them to be connected like This to prevent the potential of them swivelling.. Just looks sturdier. The problem is that the ones made my "UberE30" don't have measurements posted up as he is making money off them, but wouldnt be too hard to work out. I have read that Vaders are crap compared with e30 recaros on a few sites now, could some of the e36 m3 boys chip in with opinions?
  20. If this is the schnitzers I'm possibly keen too !
  21. +1 to all of this, hard luck dude. Let us know how u get on
  22. sascha

    Project Boat

    Does it Vteck-Hard?
  23. Ooo well now this is tempting! Hmmm. I'll have a good think about it, and do some research.. How much would you want for everything I would need? Could even do a part swap with my parts so you can sell as an m50 swap.
  24. Out of interest how hard would it be to swap my m50 in my e30 for your m52b28? Would the electrics be compatible or would it all need re-doing? What about the gearbox? Sorry haven't done any research, just had the idea then
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