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HSB last won the day on July 23 2015

HSB had the most liked content!

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282 Excellent

1 Follower

About HSB

  • Rank
    2nd Gear

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    E82 2008 128d
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    Sold: E90 2006 323i
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    4Sale: E46 1999 328ci

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  1. HMR416 - sucks to be you. Guess you'll know to not park in car parks you don't pay for
  2. I've seen this on Taranaki street, nearly broke my neck ogling.
  3. No - you are right you are the second person to give me that advice! A friend is buying them new (both) and bringing them down from Auckland ? Fascinating what you say about RF v Non RF - I like RFTs tho!
  4. I've found one on Trademe - anyone know Mr Pickle? He seems to have a few BMW items for sale... https://trademe.co.nz/1270273563 Also eager to see if anyone out there has a second? chur
  5. Hahaha I actually do! It's at a mates place for safe keeping because I recently moved house!
  6. HSB

    Quick rant thread.

    Not moving up in an orderly fashion the KFC line. Dude there's space !
  7. HSB

    E46 1999 Alpine White

    heh ..... maybs bahahahhahaa hey hey the old ones are in the boot ok! yes I've done so much to make it not be sh*t haha! but it's just not being used now someone buy it ?
  8. E46 Scuttle Panel $140 Ono (have no friggin idea how much it's worth) Pick up only (or I'll drop off as far as Kapiti)
  9. Yooooo Have been sh*t useless at listing this car on TM and Driven. Does any one know some body in the need of a solid, reliable E46? $4K Details here: http://www.driven.co.nz/used-cars-for-sale/BMW/328ci/Wellington/Wellington/065855/ Cash 4 Cars are coming tomorrow to screw me down something chronic, but I need it gone to pay some debt. PM me P.S Bengal in last photo not included, just thought he was cute.
  10. HSB

    High temperature paint

    Stand down I found Gold caliper paint from an NZ supplier - Pro Wholesale - going to touch base with them! http://www.pro-wholesale.co.nz/vht-paint-vht-spray-paint/brake-caliper-paint-vht/
  11. That's what mechanical warranty insurance it for
  12. This.Why do people sit in the right hand lane AND NOT PASS! Ugh. Inside lane passing all day haha
  13. HSB

    High temperature paint

    Also inb4 anyone says "calipers don't get that hot" yes I am aware. I just want to signal to you all what I am looking for. Not some Warehouse Stationary paint lmao!
  14. Hi all I want to get my calipers painted - does anyone know of a good caliper or high temp paint in purple or gold? Those are my colour preference... If I can't get them then I will do in plain (yawn) black or red haha! I've found these on eBay - but I'm not even sure I could get them shipped in as they are probably restricted items? And doesn't look like VHT does caliper/high temp paint in purple or gold Purple: https://www.ebay.com/itm/361599587193 https://www.ebay.com/itm/251135477544 https://www.ebay.com/itm/391180134256 Gold: https://www.ebay.com/itm/162106838368 https://www.ebay.com/itm/361594791874 Any thoughts appreciated
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