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Racer Rog

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About Racer Rog

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday 01/19/1952

Previous Fields

  • Name
    Roger Eade
  • Location
  • Car
    1997E39 Touring
  • Car 2
    Toyota Corona,
  • Car 3
    Nissan Avenir
  • Race Car
    1972 Valour FF

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Motor Sport. boating and fishing

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  1. Brought a Battery from Charlie, great service.
  2. Racer Rog


    Wanted a Right hand 11 wire electric mirror for a 97 E39 touring.
  3. Went through everything, replaced relays checked fuses, got a new wiper swith unit from the States, (at a 1/4 of the price of one here, including shipping OEM part) still not working, have now got to the Central Control module, part number 601-0728-011 UTA, how do I check this?
  4. Replaced wiper swich with new one fron states, replaced relays, checked all fuses still nothing now at control module, so after one, part number is 601-0728-011 UTA, any one have one? Parked my E39 Touring up, needed a new front wheel bearing and Thought I would replace disc's and pads all round so getting that underway thought I had better check everything else for WoF, now the wipers don't go rears OK washers work, but front wipers don't go got into the front ECU box on left hand side of engine bay after reading on web that a relay lives in there and some times plays up, well none there, just about pulled everything apart except interior, any ideas as what the problem maybe, fuses are ok, if I am looking at the correct ones. They were working OK, never had any trouble with them, don't know if the old girl has got the pip with me or what, but have never had any electrical problems before, other than alternator, which was worn brushes and easy fix and fitted new bearings at same time. Its a 1997 model 528 Touring.
  5. Yep see those will have a look, thanks trap there as the manual does not mention those ones.
  6. Parked my E39 Touring up, needed a new front wheel bearing and Thought I would replace disc's and pads all round so getting that underway thought I had better check everything else for WoF, now the wipers don't go rears OK washers work, but front wipers don't go got into the front ECU box on left hand side of engine bay after reading on web that a relay lives in there and some times plays up, well none there, just about pulled everything apart except interior, any ideas as what the problem maybe, fuses are ok, if I am looking at the correct ones. They were working OK, never had any trouble with them, don't know if the old girl has got the pip with me or what, but have never had any electrical problems before, other than alternator, which was worn brushes and easy fix and fitted new bearings at same time. Its a 1997 model 528 Touring.
  7. Have a 528I wondered if anybody has done the m5430 crank rods and piston swop, have read about useingthe m54 inlet cam (single Vanos) have looked at a newer car but have spent to much time and money to get the one I have so far, plus a newer one does not seem to be as good as the E39's
  8. Maybe interested, will have to check the spare one I have for the serial numbers, its just that the tape deck in the ones I have, have broken, and I run a MP3 unit through the tape head.but would kill on the price, the last one I brought was $50.00, and could have got it for less I think.
  9. Don't like V8's but if I wanted one I would buy a Covette with a LS motor, I love the smoothness of the six's, and as for sensble cars, we have very late model Toyota's and big trucks.
  10. Not leaking from valve cover gasket, and thats all new, same with filter, the only thing I can think of, is crankcase breather? also what is the weeze on super charging, I would buy that guys plans, but it is a little pricey, and I could machine most myself, its just time, but drawings do make it easier, also thought about the 3 litre engine, but unsure what you would have to change due to double Vanos, just planning for when the engine goes pop, but does not seem to want to do that so far, its a Jap import, which was brought in by BMW, and still goes very well, very good on fuel on the open road, just lacks a wee bit of grunt, without thrashing its arse off, but I do love the shape.
  11. I have a E39 528 Touring, just lately I have noticed a burnt fuel/oil smell drifting into the car, it does not burn oil, but is dropping a bit on the left side of the engine, any clues as what to look for? also I have thought about a bit of added power, although it does go well, given its age and K's driven and I think it's a better car than some of the new ones, thought about the superchager route, but don't have much info on that conversion, other than the guy on trade me saying it's great. its the single vanos unit, if that makes much difference.
  12. Well there is Monday sorted, will pull apart and see what I can find.
  13. Have got all apart, to try and trace fault, the upper glass portion of tailgate will only open some times, and sometimes it will will open the whole thing, so don't know if some of the wiring in the hinge is broken, and also the demister does not work, not sure where the relay is for this. any clues
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