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About Diren

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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  • Car
    BMW e21 318i
  • Car 2
    BMW e39 540i
  • Car 3
    BMW e46 318i

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  1. That's what I'm thinking. The guy who had the car before me must have installed a new cluster and had the gauge calibrated wrong. Anyone have any idea how to re-calibrate one if these?
  2. I've got different temp readings at 1 (92 Celcius), and 2 (99 Celcius), and my temp game sits half way between noon and the first mark on the hot side. I thought 99 degrees would be within the buffer, so would have expected noon... Anyone have any ideas why the guage shows the car running hot (or why the different positions show different temps?) I'm running a 2001 540i, and just changed the thermostat which hasn't fixed the problem..
  3. Want a style 66 front wheel for my e39 540i. Just looking for a single.
  4. Still considering selling? I am looking for a set.
  5. Dude, That thing looks amazing - I love the single headlight of the small engine e21s.. Where do you get parts for it though!? I've got a 318i, trying to get a new centre console and some Bilstein struts.. Such beautiful car, but so hard to work on..
  6. I need another 46.

    1. BMTHUG


      everyone needs more than 1


  7. I've started a project on a BMW e21, and hoping someone has some tips! I'm wondering where the best places to source parts from are in NZ, I've previously worked on e30s, but parts are much harder to come by for the e21. I currently need to get my hands on some bilstein sport shocks, and a replacement interior console.. Anyone got any ideas?
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