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About Brohann

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday December 31

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    toyota celica
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    nissan skyline
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    looking to buy e46 330i

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  1. yeah good point, im more than happy to replace parts and learn/do the work needed, just trying to avoid the car being on jack stands more than driven as im not blessed with much free time (big hour weeks and away work atm) and plan to tour around nz in the near future in it. im being pretty picky i guess but just want the best base to start on to enjoy for a few years, and prefer not to spend my spare time under a car busting knuckles coming from rb nissans which are super easy to work on, ive always heard to stay away from high kms bmws unless you have no other commitments and bottomless pockets lol
  2. yes that's plan B, just feeling out if someone has a gem that ticks all the boxes, otherwise ill be looking for an e46 touring with as low ks as i can get and do all the things id like, but most touring's seem to have over 200xxxkms and that does kind of put me off because this will be my forever car also open to importing but haven't looked into it yet
  3. I did see this for sale, its a beautiful example you have, just doesn't quite tickle my fancy sorry, but without a doubt the cleanest I've seen on the market so far
  4. on the hunt for a reasonably tidy somewhat low Ks e46 330i sedan or wagon, preferably wagon. will pay a premium for factory manual and low ks however unlikely, converted manual is ok as long as ZF and certified not in a rush to buy and happy to wait for the right car Big plus if under 130,000 kms, dark interior, all the problematic maintenance records eg. rear subframe reinforced, gaskets, control arms ect. Could go upto $15-20k depending.
  5. $120 a pair, that's a bargain, I see them round for like $120 each Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
  6. They're the same I have the same issue in mine, anyone have 2 for sale hahah Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
  7. Alright so since its a beautiful afternoon I thought I'd take off my front bumper to repaint it a freshen it up, and I thought I'd also fiddle with the bonnet opening spring ( I don't really know what it is),that tube like thing that the bonnet pivots on, because when I pop the bonnet it doesn't spring open. :L I could have put a pin in the wrong hole, now the hood won't open? The bonnet wire to open the hood won't budge. Tl;dr - how to open the bonnet without the use of bonnet lever Thanks for the help in advance, and excuse my noviceness hahaha
  8. What sort of condition are they in? Any pics by chance?Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk
  9. im after some door trimming, (black plastic/rubber) for an e30 320i facelift hopefully in good condition, and not too much dosh
  10. hahah we're not all mathematicians bmw
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