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kylie-anne last won the day on March 7 2017

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16 Good

About kylie-anne

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  • Birthday 04/11/1988

Previous Fields

  • Name
    Kylie Matthews
  • Location
    Papakura, Auckland
  • Car
    2004 530i
  • Mods List
    Bilstein B12 pro kit suspension, Eibach springs, 18" deep dish front 245/40/ZR18 and back 275/35/ZR18

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    Instagram = Kylie_Anne
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  1. Hahaha yeah. suppose it could have just been a gusty day down at the Papakura train station. Thanks for the link to the plastic repairer! Handy that's local for me. I do admit that I tried cleaning them myself (the toothpaste trick and Meths) and seemed to lack the strength and endurance when it come to the scrubbing hahaha - but thanks everyone for their input, knew there would be a fair few who have had to deal with this too.
  2. Exactly why I've always held the motto of better being over insured than under.. even worth seeing a broker if your vehicle is worth it. And because you're insured from the moment you finalise it with your insurer Vs having actually made payments (obviously this is all accounted for if an incident occurs, but you're still covered) - I won't drive away from picking up a new car without insurance confirmed.. too many horror stories have me paranoid. Sorry to hear about all the stories above - such bullsh*t huh! I work for a law firm so I haven't had anyone attempt to pull anything on me yet when it comes to accidents *knock on wood*!
  3. Ok so both my headlights have become super cloudy (I know there are many threads re this) and my diy attempts at cleaning them have had no effect as it all appears to be on the inside (yayyy.. funnnn). Is it worth buying replacement headlight covers online/are they a mission to install or are they salvageable with some professional help, as mentioned in previous threads (feel free to re-link me to these places as the threads I'd read were 2016). Also, on a sidenote, some a**hole has been using my car as a "pick-a-part" whilst I'm parked at the Papakura train station and at work (I know, I know.. I shouldn't be surprised) and have had my bonnet emblem taken and weirdly my left wing mirror cover (and possibly something to do with my aerial because my radio has gone to sh*t..). I've just brought a new bonnet emblem off TradeMe but, with the wing mirror cover, is it safe to just buy replacement like these below off AliExpress (or similar) and assume they're easy enough to install? Or should not be lazy and take my a** to pick-a-part etc? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Matte-Black-Side-Rearview-Door-Mirror-Cover-Shells-Trim-Frame-Exterior-Decoration-Fit-for-BMW-E60/32815024720.html?spm=2114.search0302.3.212.6dea4189ejwUYu&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_0_10152_10151_10618_10059_10696_10084_100031_10083_10547_10624_10546_10623_10307_10548_10341_10065_10340_10068_10343_10342_10103_10620_10344_10622_10621,searchweb201603_0,ppcSwitch_0&algo_pvid=65268c97-dfc8-4007-b212-0c6c20b5911d&algo_expid=65268c97-dfc8-4007-b212-0c6c20b5911d-28 If any more parts off of my car go missing, I'm going to leave a note asking them to just take the whole d*amn thing - at least I'd get insurance for that!! Thanks!
  4. Just going to casually revive this thread. Both my headlights have become super cloudy and my diy attempts at cleaning them have had no effect as it all appears to be on the inside. Is it worth buying replacement headlight covers online/are they a mission to install or are they salvageable with some professional help, as mentioned above. Also, on a sidenote, some a**hole has been using my car a pick-a-part when I'm parked at the Papakura train station and head into work (I know, I shouldn't be surprised) and have had my bonnet emblem taken and weirdly my left wing mirror cover. I've just brought a new bonnet emblem off Trademe but with the wing mirror cover, safe to just buy replacement like these below of AliExpress (or similar) and assume they're easy enough to install? https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Matte-Black-Side-Rearview-Door-Mirror-Cover-Shells-Trim-Frame-Exterior-Decoration-Fit-for-BMW-E60/32815024720.html?spm=2114.search0302.3.212.6dea4189ejwUYu&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_0_10152_10151_10618_10059_10696_10084_100031_10083_10547_10624_10546_10623_10307_10548_10341_10065_10340_10068_10343_10342_10103_10620_10344_10622_10621,searchweb201603_0,ppcSwitch_0&algo_pvid=65268c97-dfc8-4007-b212-0c6c20b5911d&algo_expid=65268c97-dfc8-4007-b212-0c6c20b5911d-28 If any more parts off my car go missing, I'm going to leave a note asking them to just the whole d*amn thing - at least I'd get insurance for that lol. Thanks!
  5. Morning all! Time to sort out a few knicks and scratches (mainly my bumper haha) so recommendations for panelbeaters? I live in West Harbour and work in the CBD so location around either is most ideal Thanks in advance team!
  6. I have enough trouble as it is obeying the law when it comes to speed so may just leave that off most days lol
  7. Hahaha well in all honesty the only driving I've done since has been in Auckland traffic so haven't really given it a fair go, but it definitely makes the pedal more sensitive.. which I'm assuming is basically its purpose lol.
  8. You're a search ninja!!! Hahaha sh*t yeah might leave that switched off for the safety of the general public. Of all cars for it to be installed in though.. lol.???
  9. Bahahaha now you have my hopes up. Although good luck to anything try to exist under there, probably scraped it all off on some suckers driveway (can't drive a lowered car, didn't know til I had one ?) my poor bumper just got clipped back on when my deal was fixed. I'm an embaresment haha
  10. Your Google effort returned better results than mine! Although no lights other than the red light on it when it's on and the wires go down into the excelerator ??? maybe I'll turn it on when driving to work tomorrow and see if it makes me speedy haha
  11. I brought my car with this random thing (picture of 'thing' attached ?)installed under my steering wheel.. the previous owner didn't speak English well so he couldn't really explain what it was.. any clues?? ???
  12. I was probably pittied after I told my wheelie bin story (I refer back to my last post in the original thread) ???
  13. Should I plug how awesome Autobahn Grey Lynn are!! Only dropped it off Saturday morning and was ready for pick-up Monday about 4pm. Legend
  14. I know I thought they'd misplaced the decimal! 100% will do my service asap not wanting to relive that experience ever again. I was meant to be driving down the line later that day too so easily could have found myself stranded in the likes of Kawerau.. not ideal haha
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