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Posts posted by Twistee

  1. @Jacko

    Bugger, it's all good because the millions being spent on average speed cameras will totally change the way they drive....... FFS, let's spend tens of millions on "safety" cameras. I'm sure that 14 year old who is doing 180 up the motorway after doing a ram raid for cherry flavoured vape liquid knowing the cops won't tail them will totally be worried about that speeding, sorry safety ticket.

    Meantime feel free to dial *555 and wait. Feel the love, when the cops decide to do anything that is proactive in my local community rather than simply attending accident scenes and directing traffic I'll happily change my tune.

    Rant over, mic drop.....



  2. 51 minutes ago, topnotchrally said:

    And be sure to ask 40-50% more than the going price for your car. 

    Yes, for a proper review of your listing we are going to need material to work with. So inflated price, rubbish images, overly opinionated "my car is worth this take it or leave it" replies to questions, and make sure you  blur out the plate in the images and then add it in the listing text. Don't forget that you will be taking payment in any form of digital coin, swaps for land, and please put forward the heart felt sob story of why you are selling this beloved car. 

    No Low ballers - Bad Grandpa jackass | Meme Generator

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  3. That is a great vid,  Piotr Wieceks S15 is always great to watch, regardless of who is driving - and that sim racer clearly has some talent. Anyone who has no time for the local or American drift antics should watch the Driftmaster series. Between Piotr (who just seems like the nicest guy in motorsport) and James Deane there is some insane talent, with way less over caffeinated fat yanky commentator to ruin your day.  

    • Like 1

  4. 3 hours ago, Jacko said:

    Humans dumber. Im pretty sure the human race is actually devolving, we will back in the trees throwing poop at each other soon, probably via a stage not far off what was shown in Idiocrasy 


    Agree, I'm living proof. Just smoked out the lounge while the recently repainted firebox did its final cure. Nice combo of wife putting masses of the firebox black paint on and me forgetting to light a slow burning fire for the first curing session...... Now if it had rod bearings we wouldn't be having this discussion, but I'm pretty merciless to a firebox from cold. 

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  5. Like Jacko suggested, the little green is fantastic. Use it all the time and am about to buy the larger version for the house and dedicate the green machine to the garage. I don't bother with the Bissell shampoo, opting for either sugar soap or rug Dr carpet shampoo. Final advice if you go the carpet cleaner route is use hot water.

  6. Wet and dry vac - hire a rug Dr with the upholstery attachment, they have a range of treatment sprays - all seem to work as described. My biggest weapon for any smell is the ozone generator - I bought one off TM a couple of years ago and it has been used on all sorts from cat piss to stopping the garage smelling like the neighbours wet scrub fire. 

    • Like 2

  7. In South Africa they made the Opel Kadett GSI Superboss, which was a group N homologation special. Massive cams for a street car and a 2L engine, it was a brute for an NA and thankfully nothing like the Pontiac LeMans - I have plenty of fond passenger seat memories of these beasts. If you had the coin and could find one you had a Superboss, I just had access to my aunts 1.3 Kadett which made no effort to hide that it was not a "LeMans" car. 

    Opel Kadett 2.0 GSI Superboss Print (A2 & A3) – SentiMETAL Shop

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  8. At almost half a metre in length it is massive, I could do so much with $329.99 - Buy a days worth of groceries, put gas in the M5, buy 1/3rd of a new office chair :D Or as I found out - let the other half buy some new shoes..... So I won't by buying that particular toy, but if it were an E61 M5 it would be a done deal.


    • Like 1

  9. Hi, 

    Guessing you are after ceramic coating? If so you could try https://www.ocdetailing.co.nz/ who have a good reputation on here. There are plenty of others, prices a highly dependent on the current state, size, and desired finish of the car. As such prices are not typically outlined online other than starting from figures. 

    Best of luck and hopefully you will post up your experiences if you go through with it.

  10. I left AA after two claims that ended with one car being repaired 3 times and then being sent to a Euro panel shop for a proper fix, and the second where a pin dent from a door ended up with half the car being resprayed because the panel shop did such a hack job. The AA assessor was incredibly useless and as it turned out had signed off on payment to the panel shop before the job had even been done, so did everything he could to avoid getting the car correctly repaired elsewhere.

  11. 1 hour ago, Driftit said:

    Finally got power to my new hoist.

    Excitedly I chucked each car on it to have a look.  I think I was better off not knowing.

    The old Daihatsu 4WD needs every bush.  Every single one.
    The AMG's rear tyres are through to the wires.  Woops.  And the sump is leaking.
    The 130 has an Exhaust leak.  And a new oil leak.
    The S13 has many S13 issues.
    I'm too scared to put the E34 on there.  It may never leave.

    Oh and the low profile lift jack.... yeah not even close.  Going to modify that for sure.

    But you have a hoist!! 

    • Like 2

  12. 1 hour ago, Bandit said:

    Just like to point out a) Today $40k ish is the market value for an E46 M3 and b) until a sale occurs lets forget about a potential 20k return on his investment, as, it is yet to be earned 😁

    Could be, one blink and you have missed it Twistee...........

    I don't ever begrudge anyone an honest living, but attempting to gouge across the board on a number of sales is a bit sad to look at - even the rims they are selling are cheaper with rubber brand new than what they are trying to get for them. 

    At $40k that car is probably great buying, but based on the activity of that trader I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. I would sooner spend a bit more and buy from another member if I was in the hunt for one. 

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  13. I stand corrected, a quick google and opencorperates return later - they are not solely a used car stealer family, also have trade as electricians on the shore. So if ever you wanted to stereotype some stereotypes feel free - cause we all know that light switch was not $400. Although applying electrician math to the M3 you can see why it went from $40k to $60k :P 

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