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Everything posted by bmwsparkle

  1. bmwsparkle

    Engine oil

    most decent mechanics who know what they're talking about usually recommend a 20w/50 for older cars, as that is what they were made to be run on, a mineral, not synthetic oil, I have found 20w/50 castrol gtx to be great in my e28, dont go penzoil, that stuff is crap now.
  2. if i had an e36 id personally jump on it, touring car stz
  3. yuh i agree with that too, had a kashmir e21, couldnt tell the difference between dirty and clean
  4. bmwsparkle

    New Car

    i could also be keen on the wheels too, depending on price
  5. haha, loves the fat ###### etc, top man, no lying thur.
  6. bmwsparkle

    New pics

    lookin good blair. Some clear/red lights would make it look fully m3an. :thumb:
  7. 8000rpm is where its at paul. hah, ur probably better to change before 6 grand because im guessing it would make its best power before that.
  8. trademe.co.nz or tick some wheels up at magwarehouse... and get stung interest hard..
  9. wicked, wudve been ultimate pic if was a black e28 instead of e34, but, mean...
  10. werd, aint as bad as E28 buurn thowelcome d00d
  11. nah, its coz his wasnt in the best of condition.... hah. And no one in this thread wanted one, except the buyer and my 12yo brother, haha
  12. cripes, 2 and a half years early, my 12yo bro wants a bmw wagon, so he can chuck his drum kit in... haha
  13. wana make a E28 look wicked? swap me ur wheels! haha
  14. keep the 18s.. do a 5 stud conv and paint up the 18s... that wud be wicked!
  15. yuh, will be different, may price it up with my panelbeater...
  16. wicked if its a genuine one, dont dig weaves on 02s tho
  17. haha, is that a henna mini in the background??
  18. yeah i dont dig that silver one either, i agree does kinda look JDM
  19. e28, e34, e32, e24, e23, e38 all share same stud pattern and im pretty sure offset is the same, the offset on my E28 is et20 as far as I can remember, basically anything that fits holdens should fit... i think.. i am unsure on wat the holden offset is, I would like to know this too if you find out, as I mite be grabbin some holden steelies for track wheels
  20. i like the full shadowline M5 look, have wanted to find a good pic for sometime now in alpine white, what do you guys think?
  21. basically im fat, and so could do it, ask people that know me best, and how much food teh sparklnator consumes, will amaze you.
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