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About stolen

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    2nd Gear

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  1. How is the fuel economy (Litres per 100km)?
  2. From history it should be obvious that Muslims take their religion VERY seriously. And it seems that a lot of items that ar used daily (clothing etc) have great relious meaning to them. So this backlash shouldnt be surprising and/or unexpected. Not being very religious/being in a religion that is less demanding on its followers and also living in areas/cities/countries that has embraced cultural advances in recent years, something like this may not be such a big deal. But you have to see both sides of the picture as well. That said, looking at some of the twitter comments in the herald article, looks like some people really need REALLy lighten the hell up. Clarkson is not Hitler ordering people into camps! Thanks to the person that mentioned the last episode of season 15....i didnt bother to recheck as thought it was over months ago.
  3. Anyone doing anything in auckland for NYE? All the replying seem to be on people going away... Just after some ideas if anyone is... We always end up going overseas and will be staying home for a change. Thanks
  4. stolen


    Approx cost? 89 m325 Thanks.
  5. Sellar FS thread: http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=31291
  6. sorry to go out of topic but whats the 6 'compartments' with what looks like a little button and a light next to the ebrake? Thanks.
  7. stolen

    My new car

    Hello, can i ask how you found it??
  8. stolen

    1990 BMW M325i

    Whoops my bad...can i ask where you got the new knob from??
  9. stolen


    Was just curious whether anyone had any good / bad experiences around the area. I haven't had to go for a wof in over 4 years.
  10. stolen

    1990 BMW M325i

    Is that the standard gearknob or aftermarket?
  11. stolen


    Where do you guys go for WOFs in the Greenlane area? Thanks.
  12. http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=27622
  13. Open the link i posted above in a new tab/window. Close existing open tab/window that shows bimmersport in link mode. Start using new tab/window that is now threaded mode....
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