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Everything posted by Jazzbass

  1. Help an old fella out here. WTF is 'shaved'?
  2. Beware!! The cops are starting to grow some balls. At last! Less than $2500 in unpaid traffic fines could cost a man his Ferrari, worth up to a quarter of a million dollars. Pedestrians smiled wryly and traffic waited patiently as a 1999 Ferrari 575 Maranello was confiscated outside Palmerston North District Court yesterday. The car was towed away after a warrant to seize was issued by the court, district collections manager Martyn Boyce said. If $2490 in outstanding fines is not paid within seven days, the car will be sold, Mr Boyce said. Elite Wholesale director Matthew McDowall said the car is worth between $200,000 and $250,000. The Ferrari is registered to a Paraparaumu man who could not be reached for comment yesterday. Mr Boyce said the outstanding fines were for traffic offences. "If someone has fines that are overdue and not under arrangement (to be paid), we can issue a warrant to confiscate property."
  3. Have you left the wire connected long enough? I've reset many E36s and they've always worked with the paper clip method.
  4. Jazzbass

    Fuel Type

    Do they still make anything other than 98??
  5. Good on everyone who's keeping their cars legal and safe. Kudos where due! Personally, I applaud the police for this action and long may it continue. Anyone who adheres to the law has nothing at all to worry about and those who don't deserve all they get. I think people are more than a little sick and tired of: 1. illegal cars which are a hazard to other road users (permanently remove their cars) 2. cars (normally young males - we've all been there) speeding in residential areas 3. noisy boom boxes while parked in residential areas (how f**king annoying can you be?) 4. ridiculous accumulated fines, while law-abiding folk pay their fines instantly (permanently remove their cars) 5. burnouts in residential areas (permanently remove their cars) 6. ricers (laugh at them) 7. cars which would obviously fail a warrant, or are unregistered, unlicenced, uninsured etc (permanently remove their cars) I think we'd all like to see: 1. Well modded cars which are a credit to the owners 2. modded cars on public display in the city once a month (great for sharing ideas too) 3. courtesy for other road-users 4. courtesy in general 4. keeping music levels to a non-stupid level - more courtesy. Why is it that those with the worst taste in music seem to want to share it with the most people???? Rog
  6. Jazzbass

    Germanplates team

    I bought mine from Europlates. Cost $NZ53 landed for the pair. Funnily enough I got them just before NZ changed to the new font and they looked a tad odd. Now the font is the same they look normal. I ordered them over Xmas 2005 and they took a little longer accordingly. http://www.europlates.com/
  7. You will when you have kids!!
  8. Jazzbass

    my e30

    Some baskets and removing the Jap number plate holder and you're well on the way!
  9. Jazzbass

    E30 318i

    That's a damn nice car. I'm not an E30 fan, but that colour really suits the model. It'll be a nice buy for someone.
  10. I always buy sedans, but that's for practical reasons. That said, I prefer the look of a coupe. Given an absolute choice, where practicality didn't rear its head, I'd buy a convertible, but it would be an E36 over an E30.
  11. I think we BMW owners get a tad too anal about our precious cars. The guy who owns it obviously loves it and that's a good thing. I know when I first heard of dumping a Chevy into a Jaguar (very common upgrade), I was highly offended, but it made a good car into a great one - and I hate american cars and engines. In this case, it seems to have made an old E36 into a much more exciting car. BMWs are NOT the fastest car on the block and neither do they claim to be. They are simply a sporty everyday car in the 3 series and a more luxury car with a sports feel in the 5 & 7 series. Most Jappos are faster off the mark than most BMWs.... but BMW wins on cruising and handling.
  12. Falling off bikes hurts too much when you're over about 35. My drummer has 4-5 Triumphs and I think 4 Harleys. He fell off his Bonnie 2 days before our NYE gig and broke a collar bone. He was less than impressed and still unable to work. When I rode, I had Triumphs, Nortons and Ducati. Then I bought a 125 Yammie trail bike and it was more fun than any road bike - ever! In the sea, across rivers, light enough to life over fences etc - terrorising the nude beaches .... ah the excesses of youth! Several of my mates (all past 50) are riding again, but I prefer not to. I've lost a few friends to broken necks etc.... It doesn't matter if you're in the right or not on a bike - you still get hurt! Karting is very cool fun and a damn sight safer.
  13. They'd be fine on some Yank Tank, 'cos there's no such thing as a YT with style anyway!!
  14. For my taste ~ truly, truly horrid.
  15. That's a very nice example, mate!! Immaculate is right!
  16. wof= $25?? Man, I'm coming to live near you. I haven't seen a wof that cheap for a couple of years...
  17. Whoever it is - he's certainly offended people. That guy with the Mazda and the total lack of any English skills was just making an offer and since the auction states "am open to offers/swaps" I think its a legitimate request. What an arrogant and stupid man 'sives' comes across as.
  18. Jazzbass

    My 320i

    As long as you're happy, that's all that matters. May I make one suggestion? Remove the Jap plate holder, or hacksaw off the bits which stick out past the NZ plates.
  19. Done, although I went "gggrrrr" at the incorrect (US) spelling of tyres...
  20. I'm a very bad person. Naughty Rog! Bad boy!
  21. That's the way! The comment was in jest...
  22. If its space you need - looks like time for a family van and keep the 3 for you. My opinion, if you can't fit everything you need in a 5, its time to take at look at all the junk you're carrying around -
  23. G'wan - she's a sheila! Wots to worry about, eh blokes??
  24. Or was that greased lightning? I assumed grease lightening was a methodology for making grease lighter??? Whoops, shut up Rog, you're already in the black book....
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