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Everything posted by westy

  1. Group hug. Ahhh thats better.
  2. Smokin! ha. Welcome along.
  3. There are a couple of manuals on trademe at the moment. Highly recommended. Far better than the auto to drive imo.
  4. Hahaha. Nice photos Alex.
  5. Nice coupe. Couple of 328 manuals round these parts, should fit right in.
  6. westy

    a new idea

    Do you do any with colour?
  7. How longs a piece of string?
  8. I like. If this things any good it would eat a m60 for breakfast. Would enjoy its drink tho.
  9. Basically it means you have no insurance in that time. Not sure about the details for theft ect but if you have an accident in that time frame you get no payout.
  10. In Aus the insurance companies have a new plan for under 25's whereby if they leave their cars at home Friday &Saturday nights (7pm till 9am I believe) they receive a nice little discount. Quite a good idea I thought.
  11. Thats how the blog looks to me too.
  12. westy

    OK so I cleaned it

    Bout time. Was looking pretty grubby at the carting
  13. Godamn PC lesbians at it again,.
  14. Are you pulling it or are you sending to Gavin?
  15. ^^What he said. Sick of me going on about it Andrew?
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