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Everything posted by westy

  1. westy

    e30 project

    Any updates on this?
  2. It's on Sky from time to time. Not missing a lot, pretty average coverage and commentary, and some Spanish diesel thing keeps winning .
  3. westy

    The bastard child.

    Was an auction for a prebent and cut cage. It mentioned plates, but nothing more. MDF ya muppet!
  4. westy

    The bastard child.

    Spose I should really read the auctions a bit more closely.
  5. westy

    e30 project

    What's the profit margin on this?
  6. westy

    The bastard child.

    That looks quite good. I wonder what shipping's like and how close the fit is?
  7. westy

    The bastard child.

    If you have some of the floor mounts yeah, stick 'em up here. If he doesn't mind. Pictures are a little deceiving but in saying that the front could probably go forward a little. But the leg still wont be much forward of the door opening. As for bending, no not me. I wonder if a shop has the templates sorted for the main members? A few E30 cages around these days. Otherwise, it's templates and finding a shop to bend them. Could be fun.
  8. westy

    The bastard child.

    Yeah, whats with standing around just looking at it and trying to remember what it was you were doing last? Ha. I can imagine how bad a shitfight on Bimmerforums would end up. Seems to me that if a plinth is welded vertically to the sill, then if it's going to punch through it needs to tear the sill through the floor as well? Seems unlikely?
  9. They can. They'll make a mess of locknuts in particular. Also, not much point in using a torque wrench if they've rattle gunned passed the set torque.
  10. westy

    The bastard child.

    So Christmas is gone and so are the hols so... Managed a bit of work, nothing major but even a little progress is nice at the moment. Mounted Andrews seat. Cheers fella! Sorted a position for the shifter higher and further back than stock and uses the stock E46 stuff. Also, because of the unknown age and specs of me poor old welder, I did some destructive testing on some tube with 3mm wall. So with 2.5mm wall cage steel I think we're all good for weld strength. Finally, anyone care to critique my cage landings? Thinking maybe they protrude too far from the sill?
  11. Your only real chance is to negotiate a lower settlement in cash. Tell them what you want to do and you're willing to take $1000-$1250 cash as settlement. They might jump at it or not but doesn't hurt to try.
  12. It was weird. I liked it. ps, I wasn't referring to any specific post.
  13. I was thinking more along the lines of the poor cretins in the unfortunate position of being born to worthless dropkicks for parents. But whatever tickle your fancies.
  14. With Audi being on top in the local sales race for luxury cars (one would think Jaguar was included in this group) with BMW 2nd and Merc 3rd, I think think the chances of that happening are about 3/5 of f**kall.
  15. It's because they are ripoff artists. I thought this was obvious? On a slightly more serious note, if there's only one importer then there's no competition. BMWNZ sets its price to what it thinks the market can accept. And you wont see a price war between BMW, Merc, Audi or Lexus. It wouldn't be 'seemly'. Or maybe that's complete rubbish.
  16. westy

    Sales rant

    Hmmm. An oxymoron? Maybe, maybe not...
  17. westy

    Sales rant

    So in other words, the graph is rubbish. I knew I was right. I knew it.
  18. westy

    Sales rant

    Is it just me, or does the chart not make a lot of sense?
  19. Looks good, but why do they have to talk such utter drivel?
  20. westy

    HB Simon*

    4 wheel skuds.
  21. Saw the NZPC spread today. Looked sweet as.
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