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Everything posted by shadowninja

  1. shadowninja


    *shun* Tell me you don't use those auto-dialers for random phone numbers.
  2. I have another great idea for road-revenue-gathering. Remove the 'orange' light from every traffic light sequence. That way nobody knows when the light is about to turn red... HEAPS of traffic tickets. Sure, it MAY not help the road toll a whole lot but think of all those extra tickets they could write out!
  3. http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2884644a10,00.html
  4. (uhh and thanks for editing my post sic)
  5. Dave may it be said that you have an unhealthy obsession with retarded people.
  6. ... and heres a trick for young players. Third Party only cover protects cover to your car you if you're hit by a liable & uninsured driver up to $3,000. Wouldn't it suck to get hit by some one driving an even crappier CRX (even though crx's pwn me) & didn't have any insurance to fix your car?
  7. Haha... thats it I'm not coming down there tonight!
  8. shadowninja


    Looks like a Merc CLK with BMW front end to me. Not bad tho.
  9. I think it is partly because of higher vandalism against tasty cars like Bimmers. The green-eyed monster of envy.
  10. (and they those Ford guys still all wish they owned a BMW anyway)
  11. I didn't see anything there about BMW owners being dumb... Just inconsiderate to other drivers. Kinda like the theory of... "I pay twice as much tax as you, therefore I own twice as much of the road than you"
  12. I find BMW owners let me merge a lot more often...
  13. ... almost eh... My wife did say someone was 'checking out' the car as I pulled up. Was it the 180 spin into the curb that got your attention?
  14. shadowninja

    Shotgun rules

    Bring it on badass. How do you fit the eyepatch over the ninja hood?
  15. Yep that would be my wife Where were you?
  16. shadowninja

    Shotgun rules

    Did you guys not see the Gamespy grudgematch on this issue? Ninjas rock, conclusive evidence. Game Spy Grudge Match http://archive.gamespy.com/grudge/2004.03/...5_results.shtml
  17. No insurance for motorsport events... that repair cost will come straight outta his pocket (or at least his sponsors)
  18. OMFG I had my speakers up pretty loud too by accident. I won't be able to sleep tonight.
  19. It means they're too low budget to have caller ID matching to their database on their call centre computers. Its just the E30 drivers that are rich.
  20. Dude they might haxored your megabytes!
  21. Who said anything about wanting YOUR business DNZ?
  22. Boy and I thought I was going to get called an insurance salesman.
  23. I work for a specialist finance company that works with health professionals. Many companies actually lose money on their car insurance portfolios, once they take into account the costs of running the place. The only way many insurance companies usually make money is through investment returns. And get this... the AA reckons 1 in 4 insurance claims is partially or fully fraudulent.
  24. ... if this is going to turn into an insurance thread, we better make it a new thread. (but be warned, I'll be on the insurance company side!)
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