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Everything posted by shadowninja

  1. ... and that S2K had some very serious Mods, seen him posting on the Nissan Silvia site quite a bit. I test drove a S2000 one when they were newly released, and in stock form you really need to thrash it to extract peak performance. Redlines like a motorcycle. At the time it had the most power output relative to engine size of any street car. I think the E46 M3 is very close in relative terms. For similar $$ I think I'd prefer a new RX8 than the S2K.
  2. Very harsh speakeasy. My wife had a workmate who got pulled over every month without fail... pretty sure it was for being a black man in a BMW. Black people may well be over represented in American prison statistics, but how much of that is because of racial profiling by police?
  3. shadowninja


    How about trainer packs for kids, tobacco flavoured additives for baby milk formula?
  4. Dudes this thread is very tasteless. Its one thing to exile the chick, another to humiliate & denigrate. Keep it clean boys.
  5. Parts for BMWs aren't really that bad. Things like door panels etc. are often cheaper than less exotic sports cars (the parts prices for my 200SX were unreal). It depends on whether 'original' BMW parts are used. Generic windscreens etc save insurance companies heaps. The biggest single cause of wear on leather as far as I know is the sun. Much harsher than sitting on ... even a big fat b@stard. Yeah my interior is black.
  6. Hoo-ahh! Nice wheels man. Hopefully this Easter weekend you have a chance to take it for a proper drive. BTW my leather interior desn't seem to show any wear / stains. Then again I don't have any kids! Way to go with the insurance company. 5er high risk??
  7. [queues Cyprus Hill on the turntable]
  8. Haha @ changing the name. Congratulations on the new purchase. Very smooth automobile. Make sure to post details & pictures when available!
  9. Good luck with the negotiations on the 5er. Keep us posted! ($10k less I could have coped with... but they didn't even offer me that much!)
  10. Alas the wife has convinced me so far to stay with the 2.0L. Makes sense to hold onto these wheels for at least a year!
  11. shadowninja


    Financial Services Advisor $$ rocks.
  12. Touring on that site you posted, there was a link to their finance calculator to figure out loan repayments. The default interest rate was 16% and that probably doesn't even include fees & stuff. Part of my role is vehicle finance, but before you all rush over trying to get loans from me... I only work with health professionals (ie- doctors, dentists etc).
  13. Man I gotta get me a pimp suit to go with my Bimmer.
  14. Did you check out the finance calculator? They are trying to sell people finance at 16%!! (sorry, thats my industry & that is almost a credit card rate)
  15. Yeah there are some clever ones out there... E46 M3 : NVMYM3 Lexus GS300 : 8ABMW (he wishes) But I reckon people putting their names on their plate & stuff is pretty gay.
  16. Whats the verdict here. Do personalised plates rock hard or blow hard.
  17. hehehe what a sales man - are you on commission for this? seriously, thanks for the info - im getting one when i eventually get my personalised one... just duno what to get yet! Haha... No I was looking at it just last week considering an upgrade myself. But so many people around reckon personalised plates are for posers. How about a new thread on this one.
  18. "That ain't a shovel.... THIS is a shovel!! " (this and other quality mining equipment for sale at www.parkmining.com/ inventory.html )
  19. You mean the euro-style plates? They've been out for months now. $225 incl GST & freight to upgrade your existing plate to a euro-one. Go to www.plates.co.nz
  20. shadowninja


    Or an Audi Quattro?? 4WD isn't about buying an SUV man.
  21. I get the BMW magazine free. Want a few of the past mags?
  22. shadowninja


    Agreed, RWD must stay. But I don't honestly think they would change to FWD. They already sell 4WD 3-series models overseas, would like to see them phase them in here.
  23. shadowninja


    Mount it sideways?? Who naeeds Aircon?
  24. DNZ did someone lend you that spade?
  25. shadowninja


    Look at the Audi S4... they've replaced the Turbo-6 with a NA-8, and everyone is raving about it. The 8 is lighter than the 6 (aluminium I think), with more power & better torque curves. I wouldn't bag an 8-cylinder M3 before I've seen it. BMW makes the best 6-cylinders in the market, who says they can't make a stunning 8?
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