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Everything posted by shadowninja

  1. That sucks the big one aliluya. Have they even apologised for the delays & fiven you an explanation? Keep us posted as to what happens. See if you can get them to provide a courtesy vehicle until your one arrives. There are definitely advantages to buying a demonstrator... not the least of which being you get to drive the car home when you buy it!
  2. New model coming out... 1.8 turbo standard 121kW. http://www.mazda.co.nz/MX5/
  3. shadowninja

    Got Pwn?

    ... and you did that all by yourself...!!!!eight!!! Feel proud dude.
  4. shadowninja

    Got Pwn?

    Your version has the distinct aura of 4 year old with new red crayons. ... how about this one.
  5. Every time I see that it makes me shudder. [what was he thinking???]
  6. As you can see, Dave is a chick in disguise. Well... at least from the underwear he buys...
  7. Yeah I was thinking of doing the MP3 unit too... but I won't be putting my 400 CDs onto MP3 discs any time soon... so gotta have a changer too.
  8. Sounds interesting. Should poke my head in & see if they can do better than the rip-off dealer prices for a changer unit.
  9. The June 2004 'Classic Driver' magazine has a section on classic BMWs if anyone is interested in the heritage... 16 pages of the stuff (pure gold). Also a section on the classic Mercedes 300SL gullwing.
  10. shadowninja


    I don't know a single friend of mine who has been a bike rider who has not had a serious accident. Includes two fatalities. Death-traps man... stay away. But if you must... check out http://www.bikepoint.co.nz
  11. HA HA HA ... I haven't laughed like that since... umm... since the weekend! (but for the record, is that 'skooled' or 'pwned' ?)
  12. shadowninja


    Did you see the number of views of that post?? Over 30,000 !!!
  13. Thats gotta suck. Let us all know how you get on. PS- if you need some lessons in ninja-ing come talk to me.
  14. They're definitely for sale... don't know how many are tagged for NZ though & when they would arrive if you ordered one. List price of $207,900. The one parking at my place is silver, license plate '645Ci'
  15. Yeah so its a good looking car... but I don't think I'd spend $200k on it. The carport next to ours is occupied by someone who works at the local BMW dealer, so every couple of days there is a different Bimmer parked there, usually new or as good as. Value for $$ though?? I'd have an M3, a Compact for the wife & blow the rest on an overseas trip.
  16. shadowninja


    Dude that is a boring video. I kept waiting for it to spin out or do something exciting... but just round & round & round...
  17. Immitation is the highest form of flattery.
  18. Sic, did you know that "pwned" is available as a personalised plate? http://www.plates.co.nz/
  19. All I can say is... l33t is sooo last year. Get a grip.
  20. ... or vomit-after-a-very-dodgy-curry-green
  21. [rant] Bear in mind the words of certain war-mongering individuals in the american government do not necessarily represent the views of the population. I get mad when I see people generalising about americans, I lived over there for 5 years in fact my wife is american. True, she is ashamed of the government administration... the only problem being if she wants to vote for federal government she needs to start paying California state income tax. [/rant]
  22. Jonty I pretty much agree with everything you just posted, esp. the part about the car being nicked. Viking- Unless you are a health professional, I would strongly recommend you look at AMI as the consumer mags rate it as one of the best motor & domestic insurers around (no I don't work for AMI). For starters you can choose your panel beater!
  23. Most insurance companies offer an 'Agreed Value' option, including State Insurance (or at least they used to). It often involves you having to pay for an independent vehicle valuation for your car (registered car valuers charge around $50-100). You may also have to update the valuation every now and then as the car depreciates, and pay a bit more in premiums too. Its arguable whether you end up being better off with agreed value cover, as in some cases they end up repairing your car when it should be written off because it is slightly more economical to do so. (thus ends the lesson so far)
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