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Everything posted by 320SHKBTE

  1. Today Steve irwin, (croc hunter) was killed in a freak accident with a sting ray... im really sad because i loved his programe and was great on T.V, a very talented man, Big ups Steve, R.I.P
  2. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...on-68264885.htm Check out all the gangsta qu. ths is teh shizzle yo
  3. 320SHKBTE


    I second that, i have it, it rocks my world....
  4. Bike..not car...althoough the bmw bike would own any subaru in reliability...
  5. The idiots got there pistons facing the wrong way thats why..hehe side insted of up
  6. 320SHKBTE

    Porn Star!

    I thought that to, apparently not!
  7. 320SHKBTE

    Porn Star!

    Who would do that, plus you need much more, no. of street, last name, blahblahblah, sigh, No fun
  8. 320SHKBTE

    Porn Star!

    Porn name - first pet & Mother's maiden name (Smokey Gasston) Spy name - middle name & current street (Leonard Osprey) Star Wars name - last medication you took & model of 1st car you owned (Augmentin Mu)
  9. Good writing!! There were to many funny points in that letter, Genious!
  10. lol wouldnt be suprised if she wanted that, lol, id love that as a bike though!
  11. Bullshit right??? http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...on-67664951.htm
  12. Lol honadas suck, i wanna see what Mr sic rights
  13. There is a national "beat emo's up" day in the US....hehehe
  14. 320SHKBTE


  15. No its not, Bmw FTW, oh, and by the way, subaru have a 50% mechanical Failure rate, straight out of the factory....
  16. wankers bro.... some people have nothing better to do...if it was from here...
  17. I sang to a policeman because i was drunk.....ive done that.....hmmm
  18. 320SHKBTE

    Internet Radio

    dont like the djs on george, they sound funny, lol love the music though
  19. NUTS! love the 320 wish mine could do that
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