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About Homy.D.Clown

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  1. pm me some details on the strut brace.
  2. oh i do love the white...SA-WeEET
  3. stripes ok as far as car striping goes but the blue M3 up front is the shizzle colour to me
  4. ..or ninja them - and clamp the clampers when they're not watching
  5. and the carion eaters finally swoop... sux to be you man... ..but smells like bidnis to me but..
  6. Shelly - so hot right now - Shelly votorised a while back first official bimmersport meet goes off with a BANG!!!... but think of the poor children ...
  7. hmm if you mass order you will probably get stung with the GST..unless you be sneeky and get items sent to different names/addy's etc. umnitza kits are all good...dunno bout their full light packages though.. look 100% betta than the OEM look (imo) angeleyes... and then my X-tec's burn your eyes out..(seriously i cracked up when i read the warning in the instructons...dont look directly into the light..no 'I' wont be..lol) understeer are da biznuts so are NA Motorwerks....dam you accessories...dam you visa card!!!!
  8. Homy.D.Clown


    this game is gonna costy me a pretty penny...current vid card cant run it.. so upgrade time... dual 7600GT's pentium D 3.2 dual core maybe a couple of 300g SATA's for good measure 2gig DDR2 meh ive flipped out a bit....and im gonna love it!!!! anyone got any recomendations on cpu cooling devices for the LGA775 socket heatsink/fan/heatpipe etc
  9. Ollie - Bimmersport bookie sh*t i'll ref that sh*t - make sure no one gets all hair pullin an shirt rippin not a dig at you SHKBTE - but i love bouncers in general get to push drunk people out of clubs and go powertrippin on anyone they like. Ive trained with a few of them..and everyone was a total ego enhanced tossa - didnt like it when the little dudes in black hand them their ass. not saying they dont serve a purpose though. *sic was funny as hell to watch craig short give the bouncers at the outback sh*t one night....hes such a smartass - and you know he can back it up to...oh and mince was onhand aswell..now that would have been a blast to see pop off. and i think *sic means he knows your 'boss' - the guy you could call the pub goderator - dude with the wacking stick, if you will... lol
  10. sure...you can send the cash to - [email protected] nice sig...umm wots a woddy? isnt that a small bat like weapon... stay in school - it's "WOODY" (noe NCEA ingrish fore ue)
  11. pssst - that explains the big text on his sig then...
  12. Homy.D.Clown

    My ride

    Ha saw your wip outside le-grande(spelling?) on friday night.. tidy but.. ...ok you really gotta lose that dead sheep on the back window...or get a black one if you must...not the one aye!!! looks...fluffy and...Sheepy :thumb: so where you doorman at? hahaha do you practice your gangsta lean in the doorways... joking man
  13. Homy.D.Clown

    Age Poll

    ive heard your only as old as the last person you had sex with ...OMG im TOTALLY EVIL BBBBAAAAADASSSSSSSS!!!!!!
  14. you dont just Jam the nozzle in full depth straight off...you gotta be gentle at first get'a bit o' gas in the tank ..then go a bit deeper - and wait for the auto fill to finally Click ooooooo as to how to fill the car...f**ked if i care now.....so long as ive got gas to get to the GF's house...lol GIGGITTY
  15. bit too much to ask for on this forum i guess... sadly :banghead:
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