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Everything posted by Homy.D.Clown
looking on the DTM web site..Negative and if you look close you can see the wheel is set up mulithole...but...4stud
Thermoset.... resin spoiler kits rock when the car gets burnt out (as i found out ) all the resin burns off leaving the cloth in perfect shape..untill you touch it..poof
..but soon he'll tire of the 316..and chuck in a 330 donk...how cool would that be. very i say..VERY sure man i'll wash you car...and those parts that are missing..never there....it was like that when i found it...dunno what your talkin bout...
what about trying some E46 swithes..be a bit newer n all + the E36 ones have a tendency to poo out after a while(but then i spose most switches do) good luck anyway
thank god that pic doesnt work..OMG man....some of the older people on this thread may have the arthritis...the scroll down alone may have killed them.. the word of the day is...THINK.....
woah...thread from the grave... :thumbsdown: and a breach of forum etiquite to boot...tisk tisk..now we can find out where he lives and hide poo's on his lawn :thumb: :puke:
thread jackers..arrrrr ...hey man i had to do something to get attention...what injury will i inflict on myself this year(you'll have to wait n see) as for ninja'nis...well you can pump me full of illicit substances and ask me for burbon - constantly for like an hour and a half..then i'll most likely i'll flip out and try to stab you in the face.....no harm intended of course...its just what i do its my "thing" seen happy tree friends...im forever "Flippy" (the narm vet.) as for damo/tania training tips.....errr...yeah...rugged :puke: ...but "look mum no hands"...had to bring it lower....had to
you realise he starts lying on his back with his arm up and her balanced on it...then he stands up....casual as...das uber strrong MOFO dude tania weighs like 10kgs(with shoes on) where were you sitting g-unit?..we were in section 8..left of the stage...bout 1/2 way up..great view even from a cheap seat.
Dam sh*t if my subscription to home n' garden was'nt due i'd be snapping that biarch magnet right up..ooowww mad tight paint an da big chromiez..... maybe someone can get it for me...i'll give you an old fish pie as repayment.. cheer :finger:
what.....like the back of the wagon? .....lol and thats only the back...havent even looked at the front yet andy... making your car dirty is what keeps the job fun...i grind and laugh. :finger:
chucking round with some mates?
try this with ya girlfriend...
anyone happen to go see the 'Cirque du Soleil' -Quidam? i did on saturday....if youve never been to one of their shows i highly recomend it. truely amazing performances..some of the strongest ,most talented ,people ive ever watched..well worth the $80 seat...id pay to see it again.
Ha... they probably have seen you and think your having a masty of their "choice car bro" "look Rangi , dat fullaz out there taking da photo'z again" "choice" "che" lol you all owe me $5 by the way :finger:
you also have to watch the wheel center diameter...had to get my rims centre drilled out to fit...slightly bigger then Holden i think. just ask the mag supplier if they are suitable to fit your car...they should be able to tell you....should be
Word.bet you $5 its a 318 ....thats getting up there in the fuglyst BMW comp...kill them...dead
I SPEED..i admit..i like to go a bit faster than the posted limit(but not what i'd call excessive ,and conditions, other traffic, etc permitting ) Ive had a few close calls with the law and the last one cost me bout $300 - cruising home and got orange lightning...dam wasnt paying attention to the van on the side of the road.. now i have a V1(from the states)...i love it..saved my bacon many times...mostly when your just cruising along any the old foot gets to relaxed ..BEEP BEEP BEEP..oh speed camera..time to get back to the limit...see it does slow me down *sic your post anger at speeding surprises me....whats the word im after... ah yes..HYPOCRITE.... whats your 1/4 time down resolution drive?(80k zone) seriously man...you cant go the anti speeding way and not be pulled up on it. next up im getting a Escort X50, just to see if its better than the V1 If i get caught i'll pay the fine and carry on so to answer the original topic...yes they do work...maybe not %100 but good enought for me to justify (Valentine 1 is GREAT and soon to review the Escort X50) Oh and any product from RMR(rocky mountian radar) don't work....they're just a con
well kinda depends on how many you want...if you want 4..no sweat got see you local BMW agent they should be able to sort you out.. but if you want only one...well as we ourselves have found its gonna be a search n destroy mission My parents are also looking for a M3 style mag...and they cant find one anywhere, we've tried everywhere even looked at imitations(oh no they dont make that style anymore...typical) so maybe try some wreckers -SD European , BMWarehouse(mosens). good luck
careful..if tim knows your not there much.....shady character that...jokes
ive got a canon G2..its good..maybe a little bulky sometimes...cant hide it in your pocket easily at the strip bar..lol Ali can you get me a price on the G6
Glens 323..yeah right...the badge lies nice syncro indication BTW lads
woot :thumb:
Ah The nasty E36 overheating problem...yeah its pretty common. ive had my waterpump impeller destroy itself randomly (yeah fiber sh*t ones)..then got mulit air locks in the system. replaced the thermostat parents one also had the top hose get a pinhole in it ...and that took ages to find oh the smell of hot antifreeze and the burning hand as you open the bleed valve
yeah ive always been impressed with yoko's ive run currently on goodyear F1's...and theyre a bit too good..kinda hard work to throw the suckers out..meh.. not like i try to do it often though
i would have gone for alcoho ,drugs and prostitutes...no particular order. hmm im in the same boat a bit..money to spend..dunno what on anyone know of a white E46 touring 328+ 2000+ for sale, maybe damaged...no ..me neither...even settle for a sedan....must be white...meh