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Everything posted by antony

  1. i think you'l find it hard to get any 'nice sound' with a tip. my suggestion is take out the cat converter and replace it with a coby? my mate once had a coby at the end of his exhaust mated to just and exaust tip, it was an 1600 auto familia, and the best sounding jap car ive heard lol. E: by 'coby' i mean the sausage looking things.
  2. antony

    my e30

    yip, average photo of phone.
  3. looking good a. have you got a list if mods.
  4. antony

    my e30

    well no digi camera till wednesday. so a lil' teaser off me fone.
  5. well it's gotta be better than this one lol. click
  6. antony


    the second one is actually hott imo. and the owner bites back. classic. imagine what they would say bout half of our rides lol.
  7. antony

    my e30

    yea i knew someone else on here had done it. i'm really looking forward to it, and chances are ill probably run into him a. picking them up sat, can't wait.
  8. antony

    my e30

    yea, going to otago to do a bachelor of surveying, O week starts 18th of feb but sadly i wont have me car for the first bit, to exspensve.
  9. well that was easier. joined.
  10. I'd be keen for some sort of BS sub-competion. Just trying to figure out the best way to do it? E: well i figure every one who's interested posts there player name, and then the interested people can add you to 'mates 2'. seems to be the easiest way to me. name: antony merriman; "l antony l"
  11. anyone doing it? super 14 starts this weekend
  12. hmm, someones not just on BS 2nite.
  13. yea add taste and you'd have some nice cars lol. but theres certainly some skill there a. im just waiting to watch 'back of the y' lol. aw its awful, but so is all good entertainment.
  14. mint. the guys like 25, and still a student, o im so envious of that. my plans just to own an m3...............before i die.
  15. it was a brave effort by the boys. and it shows that they are still a threat in world cricket and shouldnt be written out of the world cup. random, but anyone watching 'tricked out' on c4 right now. some clowns turning a honda accord into a new merc, or trying to.
  16. mines turned on, but don't really know what it does. possibly a greater problem with your service provider. but hope not, cause its a looooooooooooooooooooooooooong phone call. another thought is possibly your virus protector is interferring somehow.
  17. have you got a limit. on xtra (unsure bout telstra), if you go over your limit it reverts to dial up speed.
  18. this will end here. i think we have both got our points across. and i'm sure in years to come i will share your views. but atm i feel less police should be allocated to 'highway patrol' and more to solving what i believe is 'real' crime.
  19. my concern is for these guys who have 5 - 10 - 20 grand of fines, but are good guys, and it just puts them at a greater risk to do 'real' crime. yes we're young and 'stupid' in a way. but there are people my age doing alot worse things than driving around without springs. and they have lil' problem with the boys in blue. and whats a more risk, a sober driver in an illegal car or a crimanal released early on parol, skipping parol, parol board told he should be back in prison. crimanal then murders someone. o and my car is completely legal and built for 'proper' driving. antony E: i no this sounds like an ignorant view of a 'boy racr' (although i rarely do 'laps') but it's my view. and no offence is to be taken.
  20. mint. can't wait to see your car finished a.
  21. personally i think the police give us 'younger drivers' to much of a hard time. all people i know my age who have modified cars, are hard working guys, belive it or not but they contribute to the development of this country, but since we're into cars, we get sh!t from the police. i dont think the 'havoc' we cause is anything near the murders and drug dealing which goes on everyday. thats what the cops should be putting there effort into, not filling there pockets. just my 2cents antony o and foglights are a lil' pointless in my opinion, i took mine out. (originally cause one didn't go and i couldnt get a wof, but i have no intention putting them back in)
  22. has anyone here been tested the morning after. how much had you had, how long since your last drink, and what were the results. you can try an work it out theoreticaly (spellling?), but obvisouly results vary, from person to person.
  23. how low is your car? just wondering how mine will look
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