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Everything posted by antony

  1. haha, ask for everyones opinion...and take the oposite; never fails. sounds big, should be sweet.
  2. whats your price. (interested in lsd and/or headers)
  3. hugh hefner or david hasslehoff. (knight rider or baywatch)
  4. trucks have more than enough grunt, our scania transport truck is 580hp, and i've seen the driver in very similar situations lol. sik vid tho.
  5. but only if you've got the moves to follow up on it, others wise you could be put in awkward situation lol.
  6. antony

    tickle me Emo

    how do you get an emo out of a tree. untie the rope.
  7. end of round 2: 1st: 943 misgvous1 jamie G-H Auckland Grammar 24 71 -855 2nd: 4945 cainchapman Cain Chapman Kelston Boys 29 65 -696 3rd: 16328 mellowing Gareth Parry Christchurch Boys 37 58 68312 i'm last; having the worst year of my life. only round 2 tho.
  8. thats what i meant lol. guess i'm just to used to it now, as every day on the coast is like that.
  9. antony


    woah. and that third picture is, as they say, very graphic.
  10. sweet, its year number 8 for me lol. its well worth the trip if your from the north. drifty, did you come over for the kumara races.
  11. less than a month away, 10th of march. anyone going, ill be there and it would be good to meet a few of ya's for those who don't no what it is click here but if you cant be bothered; its basically a whole lot of stalls in a park in hokitika selling huhu grubs, sheeps balls and the like. tickets limited to 17,000 and is sold out every year. there is a 'rather large' street party afterwards. has tamed a lil' but still a real good night a.
  12. aw and i was guna bring my makita lowering device and some black spray paint down with me. 'pimp my ride' Gmouth stylz lol.
  13. mines an e36 motorsport one on an e30.but i bought it like that, so no idea if it had to be modified to fit. awesome wheel tho, and i wouldnt swap it for any momo 'racer' wheel. E: like this.
  14. i think i mite have a new mod planned now lol.
  15. mine? mine are done with tint spray. E: oops, id say there done like eko's. ill be doing it soon (actually probably not till i get back from uni).
  16. yea, cs2. i'd go wif black centres, and a polished lip
  17. well tried to get them white, but the result wasn't worth posting. ill need a pic of white bottle caps. i had a quick search on the net and couldn't find anything. but in my frustration this happened:
  18. to the floor lol. E: sorry to do this to your mint e30 em.
  19. in all honesty what have you got to loose lol. it'll be different to every other standard e30. but there is the danger it will look like you've got 4 spacey's on. i rekon; go for it.
  20. most people dont go to the effort of us BSers. they just bring in a hip flask (or anything really, its easy as at jade stadium), buy a coke and mix on site. im not sure if the news made it to the northern lights, but when there was the sri lanka vs. NZ game on at jade stadium, an old couple were drinking tea from a flask and the security staff went and checked it. the crowd got a bit into them and it made the news round here for a couple of days.
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