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About B*Emz

  • Rank
    3rd Gear
  • Birthday 02/22/1989

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  • Location
    North Shore
  • Car
    Audi- Shock/Horror!

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  1. B*Emz

    HB Hi Tower

    Will we all know I love wearing hi-vis vests and sporting glowsticks, pffft haha. Sorry Ryan, forgot you needed your beauty sleep- See ya at metropole Thanks guys, ooooh I'm getting old haha
  2. B*Emz

    HB Hi Tower

    Ish- haha I pop in every now and then! Thanks
  3. Ok non BMW issue here, wondering if anyone can help me out? I can't get the rear windscreen wiper on my audi a3 to stop- Picked the car up yesterday and only used the rear wiper for the first time today, and I can't get the bloody thing to stop now! Any audi drivers who'd care to spread some light? I'm hoping it's not an electrical fault and is just me being brainless. Cheers
  4. Had great fun dealing with brugar. Make sure you get a written quote before you give them the go ahead, not doing that cost me to the fine tune of around 2k.
  5. Haha no thanks, will say it involved a fair bit of intersection, traffic and rain!
  6. Think I've seen your car outside JC's a fair bit recently as I run in and out? Will look good once you've got kit on and it's a bit lower to the ground, wheels are cool. E: Hah whoops, apparently you work there. Won't be coming in much more though! Beamer got written off in an unfortunate series of events :S
  7. B*Emz

    Mystery Illness

    Heh hehh hehh Nah get better buddy, I'm feeling less than average at the momment as well but the weekends activities most likely didn't help so I'm not going to complain!
  8. B*Emz

    Mystery Illness

    There's some pretty good hardenthef**kup pills around these days I hear?
  9. With you on this one jock! Rice much?
  10. Will you be my friend... lol I didnt know bimmersport has a friends section, how cute!! lol

  11. B*Emz

    E30 wheels

    So they don't need straightening and will fit without having to roll the guards?
  12. B*Emz

    We lost...

    Death wish 101 haha. Parents have an Italian couple visiting, got hated on in town today by some n00b who thought the flag on the guy's shirt was french. Self control, please!
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