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Hey guys

Thought I would say hi. I have a 1990 E30 325i sedan in dark grey/black.

Its got a 3 litre Supra 2JZ engine and gearbox in it, fully certed.

Now it has the M sport seats in leather, and a pinstripe with the ///M on it... Will that mean its some sort of motorsport version? I'm kinda new to BMWs. I'm loving it though, great fun to drive.

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welcome, nice idea 4 a engine conversion,

let me be the first to say Turbo it

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Welcome, sounds like a nice car. put some pics up.

as to whether it is a motorsport or not is subject to much debate and the answer is what defines a motorsport model other than it left the factory with the m badge on the boot and some motorsport options.

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Heya -

Did you just buy it off trade me?

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  OLLIE said:

Welcome, sounds like a nice car. put some pics up.

as to whether it is a motorsport or not is subject to much debate and the answer is what defines a motorsport model other than it left the factory with the m badge on the boot and some motorsport options.

Haha, thought that may be the case. Will get some pictures most likely in the weekend.

Yep got it off trademe.

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  West said:

Haha, thought that may be the case. Will get some pictures most likely in the weekend.

Yep got it off trademe.

Good buy - should be a good fun car.

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Was watching that auction. Looked to be a good car. I wasn't a motorsport bu sounds like it has the motorsport seats out of another BMW (AFAIK e30 motorsport seats never got the m-striping but the m5 and m6 did?? I'll stand corrected though).

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The seats look original, as they match the black leather of the back seats. They dont have any M sport emblem on them. They are SO comfortable though! And have a thigh support adjustment. I'll get some pics up soon so you can see it.

Exterior has a few scratches etc, but what do you expect from a 1990 car. The colour is awesome- I think it maybe called diamond schwartz metallic?? One of the nicest factory colours I've seen.

Haha, would love to turbo it but that costs a bucket load of money. At the moment, it feels nicely balanced- Not crazily overpowered, but good useable power with heaps of torque. And nicely balanced, the 2JZ is a bit lighter than the original 2.5 that was in it.

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Would like to talk to the previous owner about the conversion. Can you give me contact details, or pass mine on to him?

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  bravo said:

Would like to talk to the previous owner about the conversion. Can you give me contact details, or pass mine on to him?

Yeah sure I'll find his details for you.

Heres a few pics, didn't get time to wash it and it was getting dark but hey-

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Engine pics to :) what kind of gearbox you running? I like

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that would be fun.

i saw it on trade me also i must say i was very tempted.

so time to turbo it!!!! :wacko:

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Welcome bro.

Beautifull car. I'm sure your gna have fun with it dude!

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Running Supra Gearbox. The shifter is positioned a little further back than the usual place. Will get some engine pics too. Was going to when I took the other ones, but the bloody camera battery died!

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hey bro, so you picked up the car in the end huh.. hows it running??

I'll have to come ova and go for a drive in it sometime.


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Sounds similar to Glen's setup, he'd tell you what it is if he wasn't off overseas somewhere, his is in an E30 323 with the twin turbo 2ZJ supra engine, supra gearbox, and I believe supra diff aswell although not sure. Is a f'ing rocket.

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close carl, glenns in a 1JZ motor, 2.5L instead of 3L, from a soarer or something like that

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  Old_Skool_Bmw said:

hey bro, so you picked up the car in the end huh.. hows it running??

I'll have to come ova and go for a drive in it sometime.


Hey man, yeah I did. Running great!!

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Interesting brake booster setup you have there? bet she goes pretty well

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I was also looking at that Riley.

Where did you end up sourcing your stuff? How much did it cost you to get parts and install?

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