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Guest Simon*

Holy 1000th post Batman!

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Guest Simon*

The Blah:

Well the little milestone has finally rolled around and I wanted to put up something I'd remember and be able to find in searches 30 years from now when I'm driving an atomic fusion powered M5, and still moderating all the bitchy little shits on here talking up their hydrogen rotaries and their blinging chrome hover units :P

So I thought I'd fill this post with a variety of things that are probably of no interest to anyone but me, but hey it's my 1000th so who cares!

On bimmersport itself I have to say I quite like this place, apart from the very few dickheads who can ruin things for everyone. I reckon if people restricted the content of their posts to only what they'd be prepared to say in person, then often I don't think there'd be so many issues. Some children are so brave when they're hiding on the internet. Plus it's harder to speak text than write it :D

There's a real wealth of knowledge and resources here, not to mention a fairly social and interactive atmosphere too - it has been really informative, helpful and often entertaining in my short time here.

The guys running this place are top blokes in my opinion (especially on the piss) and can be pretty proud of it. There seems to be pretty good patronage by the BMW race series drivers too, which is a good indication of how well it works as a motorsport forum.

The Joke:

This is one of my favourite jokes to tell. It's soooo much better when I put on the dodgy accents ;) Don't know how well it will go onscreen but here goes.

In Australia, a garbage truck is rolling down the road early one morning. The truck comes alongside a block of 3 flats. Two of them have their rubbish out but there's no sign of the third. The garbo jumps down off the truck and decides to try the flat with no rubbish out.

He goes up to the door and knocks. Waits. Knocks again.

This time he hears a faint voice from inside "Be dere in a meeenit" [cue dodgy Chinese accent]

Eventually the door opens and a flustered looking little chinese bloke appears at the door

[Cue dodge Aussie twang] "G'day mate! Where's your bin?"

© "Oh I bin busy"

(A) "Nooooo, where's your DUST bin?"

© "Oh I DUST bin in the toilet"

(A) "Nah mate, where's your WHEELIE bin?"

© "OK OK, I WHEELIE bin having a wank!!!"

The car:

I loooove my car ;) It ain't perfect and it now has over 380,000 lovin' kilometres on it but it never fails to put a smile on my face. She still goes bloody hard and there's something about 280 odd horses, a 6 speed manual box and a slippy diff that is pretty addictive. I like knowing that there were only about 250 RHD versions of the E34 540i/6 manufactured and I even like my pimpin' grey miami vice leather interior B) And the aggressive exhaust note is hard to miss too.

I can't ever imagine selling it, and as time goes by (and the money tree sprouts new leaves) I'll take care of all those little things that need doing.

The idea:

It's still really an idea that's been kicking around in my head, and I've mentioned it here and there in the forum but I like the idea of a big meet in the central north island. Probably Taupo, and for a number of reasons really. If the meet can be timed to coincide with a track day at Taupo so much the better, or if numbers were sufficient (and guaranteed) we could look at making the booking ourselves. But mainly it's an excuse to get a lot of BMW people together, talk cars and sh*t and have a night or two on the juice somewhere away from home. Seeing as the E34 as a model has turned 20 this year I thought that would be a good excuse to throw it a little party.

The apology:

I think I've probably crapped on for long enough now. Sorry to waste all your time reading my little post :)

I just wanted to get a couple of my "keywords" in at the bottom too. If you're ever curious about the human firefly, buy me a drink and maybe I'll tell you.

Cheers and TGIF




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:D Happy 1,000th

I missed mine :(

Edited by botanymotorworx

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Nice post Si. Looking forward to my 4th gear!

Love your keywords haha.

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A good milestone post.

If a BIG meet was planned some of the guys from the mainland could drive up, you can get a group discount on the ferry. Nice and relaxing part of the country to meet. Not a lot of boy racers to rain on the parade i guess?

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Good read and congrats!

i like "the idea" and think it should actually be put into reality as many members would definantly be keen, so hopefully this summer it might go ahead!

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There used to be an annual "megameet" in taupo for a few years running, but it ran out of steam as so much organisation to do, and plus the usual suspects were pretty good at organising there own pissups without having to do a bsport specific one.

I've toyed with the idea of organising something up here in nthland as we've had 2 that were a huge success, but its alot of work to do on your own and actually has quite a few hidden costs. I'd help someone else organise one though.

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Great post.

Like "the Idea"- I'd be happy to help if needed.I'm extraordinarily good at buying booze in bulk!

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Great post.

Like "the Idea"- I'd be happy to help if needed.I'm extraordinarily good at buying booze in bulk!

i'm pretty good at drinking it in bulk. happy to help.

No but really, thanks for the kind words for Bimmersport Simon, I thinks it's fair to say that a megameet will happen this coming summer. we'll see what we can put together

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lol, nice one si.

3postperday whore

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