320guy 0 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 You can make certification cheaper / whatever so its easier for the people that want to do it the legit way. But theres still the handful of people out there that dont care either way, they will still mod their cars illegally and drive them. People will still complain when they are pulled over by the police to check that they have the correct certs etc Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ducatiss 1 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 Prisons are already overflowing bro. Building more prisons will be good for the economy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattzy 0 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 You can make certification cheaper / whatever so it’s easier for the people that want to do it the legit way. But there’s still the handful of people out there that dont care either way, they will still mod their cars illegally and drive them. People will still complain when they are pulled over by the police to check that they have the correct certs etc For sure mate. I never said it would solve it all and it would be naive to think it would. Unfortunately there is no magic easy cure for the plague of boy racer-dom But in my eyes it’s a step in the right direction. I guess the solution isn’t as dramatic and as exciting and a mass attack on the modified car community and fixing the problem doesn’t warrant the media coverage that a sweet montage on TV1 of Holden VQ’s, flat peaks and cut springs does. What I’m saying is why make it so difficult for the people who want to do it the right way? Why doesn’t the government and local councils get behind the certifiers and subsidize the certs? Instead they let these high and mighty political Muppets try and make a name for themselves as the savior to the city.. Savior from what?? A bunch of hoodies?! IMO – in Matt Zealand: If you’ve got a mod, it’s got to be certed. No cert for a modded car = pink sticker. Your shits gotta’ be towed back to your house for repairs up to a suitable standard to re-certification. But to get to this stage you’ve got to get the cert process sorted. It HAS to work and be financially viable for the general public. This will: 1) Encourage people to do it the correct way. Fueling new business and giving the motoring industry in NZ a good kick. 2) Remove the police from their often subjective law.. This means that trained certifiers have the last say. If its got a cert plate then she’s good to go.. No grey.. Black or white. 3) Remove unverifiable cars off the road. Too loud?.. well it wouldn’t have passed cert. This means it doesn’t even hit the road.. Doesn’t hit the road, doesn’t piss public off. 4) I take a cut of every cert. I Invade Fiji and build my own Nürburgring. Women are imported from Eastern Europe, Australia and Sweeden to assist with my daily duties. Something positive has to happen soon otherwise all our cars are going to end up looking like Australia’s (hahaha) I love NZ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greg111 13 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 Building more prisons will be good for the economy Haha the place is full of them, just deport to a remote island. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PBOY23 0 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 i love how if your got a low car your a boy racer but seriously go down queenstreet on a saturday night it is empty capared to back in the day so the police must be doing somthing Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pjay 8 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 Yeah agree ith that. Cruised down queen then to mission over the weekend. And there was nothing there!? The last time i cruised town was like 10months ago though Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
320guy 0 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 I think they just go elsewhere where they can get away with it. Mount / Tga has been dead for a year or more aswell. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OLLIE 26 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 Matt ... skip trying to convince the government to do something properly, just invade fiji build your nurburgring straight away no messing around Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kerrynzl 3 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 Haha the place is full of them, just deport to a remote island. My thoughts exactly, the problem is the island I was thinking of, is the one that has the "boy racer" problem Oh well ! maybe we can deport them to that penal colony on the other side of the Tasman Sea Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greg111 13 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 Matt ... skip trying to convince the government to do something properly, just invade fiji build your nurburgring straight away no messing aroundHaha avoid Nadi though. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gaz 1066 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 For those of you that can understand German Click me for the report. The reason Chch is so bad is that they banned all cars from Mcleans Island where the skids used to happen, then they banned parking on the on most industrial streets between 12am-6am(I think but for the whole night anway), so it forces everyone in town and cloggs up the Aves. The only way to stop them will be to ban all cars from being driven at night. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antony 0 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 haha, silver e36 at 4.30 and a white e30 at 4.48. Anyone on here? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreyE34 0 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 Unfortunately in New Zealand we have a history of the Police and transport officials using every opportunity to lobby the government to impose more and more laws or rules that are generally to the detriment of everybody. On the other hand, the Police does a pretty bad job of enforcing the current rules. The proposal to lower the alcohol limit is another sad example of this. From what I understand, there is no direct evidence that drivers who are below the current limit, but above the new proposed limit, pose any problem whatsoever. In usual Police manner, the logic seems to be that some other countries have tougher rules than us, so we must blindly follow suit. While some argue that one only needs to obey the rules to avoid punishment, that is rather difficult when the rules are plain stupid. For example, in Auckland, the contractors who put up traffic cones all around the city seem to think that it is perfectly OK to put a 30k speed limit on a main road (two busy lanes in each direction) because somebody is carrying out work down a side street. There is absolutely no risk involved in ignoring the signs, but I am sure that the cops would still be quite happy to fill their quota if given the opportunity to do so. Against a backdrop of poorly thought out rules we then have a Police force which is very selective in which rules it enforces. Doing 111k on a passing lane to get past slow drivers is a major sin, but I have never ever seen a cop give a logging truck driver a ticket for driving for 30k with a queue of 20 irate drivers behind them. OK, my rant is going off topic, but my view is that the Police has plenty of power and if they chose to apply their resources less selectively, they could deal with any emerging situation. We should expect them to finally start doing a better job with the current laws rather than spending their time lobbying for rules that are to the detriment of all of us. This is particularly true when these rules will be enforced by a Police force motivated by quotas rather than common sense. Just my 2c worth. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
byza213 1 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 this place is messed up after about 3 months having my old e34 lowered it put the depo lghts on etc etc ..didnt change the bulbs at the back tho stuck the white ones in fronts were sweet with orange bulbs .which at the time didnt no were fully illegal only because of seeing plenty cars in the road with them anyway... was on the motorway crusing to a mates house changed a lane next 100m got pulled over cops hops out" mate do you no its illegal to have white bulbs" i was like no sir in all honesty .. whats a 5 minute job ? right ? he moves on to the next thing measures my car how high off the ground with that tool they have was 100mm off the ground at the time so he moved on to the next thing do a full wheel lock ? i had my guards rolled at mag n turbo so no touching my tyres were slightly big at the time and had the slightest rub in the inner guard .. so he gets me to hop out and trys to make me look like a fool on the motorway comparing the white and orange keep in mind we are still on the motorway here around 7pm hops in his car and cums back and says you ever seen on of these slapt it on and told me to drive to the next exit k without taking this into major concern took my car to vtnz was under 100 mm( my ass ) and after paying all that cash to get it checked etc for that fine comb wof blah blah got a letter two weeks later saying it was a mistake etc etc ..bare in mind i still got a fine on top of that thought id have a lil moan because this system here is corrupt police using there ears for exhausts and sh*t we could all go on! and on!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pjay 8 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 Ive noticed more and more when i get pulled over by a cop with another riding shotgun, one plays the nice guy and the other is an a**hole. Like the whole good cop/bad cop thing. Its so incredibly gay. I live in Auckland, not f**king Miami vice. If i do something wrong and i get pulled over, fair enough. I take the hit. But these routine inspections.. Gawd. You can only have so many routine inspections before its just silly. Nino you may be able to shed some simple down to earth stats on this. I don't know sweet f**k all of the ratio of routine inspections to actual reason pull ups. Could you give me a rough figure? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diablo23 1 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 to be honest most traffic cops know sh*t all about suspension, i had to the teach two of them the other night the difference between captive and non captive springs. well most reason you'd get 3t'd is the cop prolly thinks your dodgey and wants to check for warrents to arrest or bail conditions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest FrantiC Report post Posted January 19, 2009 (edited) I have had my car green stickered twice for a "noisy exhaust". But there is a way bigger list of what I have gotten away with, such as speeding close to 100kmh on a 50kmh road (back road) cop was 90 degrees to the road I was on though and only saw me from a distance fly through their intersection. So without proof they couldn't do anything, But I used the excuse I really need to sh*t so that packed up quite quickly lol. But yeah usually around here if you are nice to them they are nice to you. Alot of them don't know WTF they are talking about....."is your suspension here certified sir".... I had one cop lie on the ground infont of my car and look right under it, Stood back up and said "Nope thats gotta be less than 100mm". I said well the only reason the back is so low is because there are 2 diffs, an intake manifold and big sub sitting in there. Apparently I can get "stickered and taken off the road" for that. But yeah I guess that would come down to a race of who can empty the boot faster vs. cop writing out a green sticker ticket lol. I had another case where the young lady cop was trying to put her foot against the bottom of my car, Like heel on the ground and tilt her foot up to see if it was high enough. Don't know wtf she was doing, I guess it is some kind of measuring technique taught to the police force. After she did that shes all like "oh that seems fine"... No way near the lowest point of the e30 but yeahhhh....... Edited January 19, 2009 by FrantiC Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eagle 1717 Report post Posted January 19, 2009 Ive noticed more and more when i get pulled over by a cop with another riding shotgun, one plays the nice guy and the other is an a**hole. Like the whole good cop/bad cop thing. Its so incredibly gay. I live in Auckland, not f**king Miami vice. If i do something wrong and i get pulled over, fair enough. I take the hit. But these routine inspections.. Gawd. You can only have so many routine inspections before its just silly. Nino you may be able to shed some simple down to earth stats on this. I don't know sweet f**k all of the ratio of routine inspections to actual reason pull ups. Could you give me a rough figure? Yeah had that happen the other day. Apparently me and my mate were drag racing and 3 witnesses saw us, cops turn up and starting talking to us separately. I get the good cop, being all nice when asking question's. My mate gets the bad cop who has a tone and keeps telling him you mate has confessed to racing. Once had a cop turn me over because "looked a bit young to be driving". Saw me go out of a shop into my car and waiting around the corner, pulled me over and did the usual checks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diablo23 1 Report post Posted January 20, 2009 (edited) http://nz.youtube.com/watch?v=q3VDBy_KDRQ Edited January 20, 2009 by Tha Cosa Nostra Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pjay 8 Report post Posted January 20, 2009 That is a giggle Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
elmarco 56 Report post Posted January 20, 2009 2) Remove the police from their often subjective law.. This means that trained certifiers have the last say. If its got a cert plate then she’s good to go.. No grey.. Black or white. 3) Remove unverifiable cars off the road. Too loud?.. well it wouldn’t have passed cert. This means it doesn’t even hit the road.. Doesn’t hit the road, doesn’t piss public off. But the Police don't know if the vehicle has been modified since the cert.... They have to call it as they see it on the side of the street. Believe it or not, some people are not the upstanding members of society they should be. Don't forget that they will be crucified by the media and the politicians if they allow a dodgy vehicle to carry on and ends up killing someone in an accident later. If my career was on the line and I wasn't 100% sure about something, I'd refer it on to an expert as well. In this case, it means a sticker and trip to the certifier. Give the Police a break - they have a tough job and are damned if they do, and damned if they don't. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greg111 13 Report post Posted January 20, 2009 It just seems once a month the police have to be bagged on this forum, we should all know by now that the people on here that get pulled up were not doing anything wrong, its the police who pick on them. You guys need to pull your heads in. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mattzy 0 Report post Posted January 20, 2009 (edited) But the Police don't know if the vehicle has been modified since the cert.... They have to call it as they see it on the side of the street. Believe it or not, some people are not the upstanding members of society they should be. Don't forget that they will be crucified by the media and the politicians if they allow a dodgy vehicle to carry on and ends up killing someone in an accident later. If my career was on the line and I wasn't 100% sure about something, I'd refer it on to an expert as well. In this case, it means a sticker and trip to the certifier. Give the Police a break - they have a tough job and are damned if they do, and damned if they don't. Settle down lads - I speak for myself when I say that I'm not attacking the force I'm attacking the certification structure (or lack thereof). I've got friends and family in the force and understand that its not easy for them. But you've got to remember they dont sign up for a bloody desk job.. They expect and train for the sh*t they get on a day to day basis. And lets face it.. People will always drive around with illegal mods, and as I said before you would be naive to think otherwise. I proposed no magic cure, only a step towards a solution.. Elmarco - Have you ever been through the current certification process? Its stupid and out of reach realistically to most of our youth: 1. You find a workshop that does certs, and try and book a time. 2. You pay your $400 and unlikely pass on the first time. 3. You wait two weeks for the cert plate to arrive from Wellington. (hopefully they print it correctly) 4. You save your pennies and want to do another mod that will require certification. 5. Repeat 1. You could leverage this current process and using a similar model, keep the roads even safter than they are now.. But you would have to restructure things. You would have to make it cheaper and more accesisible to the general modification community. It would also provide another wall to those who wished to do things illegally and dangerously.. You would have more cars going through this certfication process and being checked by the professionals I see where you are coming from and of course if the police notice something thats life threatening or will cause a potential accident they should have the ability to have the car pink stickered and delt with accordingly! The parts you would be removing the police from would be subjective things like exhaust testing and that stupid "significantly louder than factory" clause. You could have the cert stations with their decibel meters correctly metering the exhausts, rather than the officers ears. I want my taxpayer money being spent on officers patroling. Not listening to some hoodies exhausts. I do hear where you are coming from though. Edited January 20, 2009 by Mattzy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jimbo01 0 Report post Posted January 20, 2009 but who's definition of a noisey vehicle is it? My wifes car is an SLK230 and we usually drive with the top down so have formed a subjective opinion of noisy cars. The noisiest POS on the road have to Harley Davidson motorcycles, Buells, and uninspired jap immitations of harleys. How the f*** can they be legal. These things sound like the onset of armagedon and they are just puttering along at about 100kph. We encounter modified cars with loud exhausts - they have nothing on a HD. Of course some hoon during burn outs in a residential street when people are sleeping is going to make some noise and piss off the locals no end. I guess if the so called boy racers continue to attract unwanted attention due to the moronic behavior of some then they will reap the consequences. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yasthil 0 Report post Posted January 22, 2009 Further on the point you make Jimbo, I have been pulled up for having a factory installed Remus exhaust system on an HSV, I don't think that's a common problem faced by "the middle age red holden drivers club of NZ". But a young man in a manual HSV, in traffic.... ALARM bells go off. The greatest irony in all this debate is that no one is specifically addressing the minor injustices regarding the generally accepted type casting that happens. I'm sure most of you will understand my plight. I have always had modified cars, like wise I have always been pulled up and interrogated unnecessarily. In my 13 years as a fully liceneced driver I have 1 speeding fine. I also happen to drive a VR4 Legnum and an E28 BMW. Am I a boy racer? What about my 50+ neighbour. He has a 2008 HSV, and a Harley. Is he a boy racer? Or the old Mum down the street with the lowered Mazda 6 Sport, with 18"s and an after market exhaust system. Is she a boy racer? Everyone is looking to blame someone else? Raise the age, it's the police, policy needs to change, blah blah blah. At best we can take responsibility for our own actions and at least encourage friends and family to do the same. Attaching a label to a non-existent societal group is pointless, it merely mis-directs our attention away from the issues. Just my late night blurb, BUT I would love to have a definition of the term boy racer? I guess to be PC we'd better include girl, maybe a 25-34, 35-50, 50-til you can't drive, Red Holden Club, Blue Ford Club, off duty Police Officers, and of course the can't f*%king drive Racers..... I could go on, but I think you get the picture. Definition: Boy Racer????? If we define boy racers, maybe then police and the public alike will take notice of the other "groups" causing havoc on our roads. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites