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Guest Ari Gold

Best Cold / Flu remedies ITT

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Guest Spottswoode

Okay so my disgustingly large weekend bender has caught up with me and I have managed to pickup a fairly epic headcold, which is pretty lame seeing as its summer and really hot, but really really lame seeing as I'm flying out to LA on Saturday evening and onwards to Vegas.

Now, I can still clear my ears (thank god) so I'm sweet to fly, but I feel awful. I'm on the P making drugs and nose spray, and I'm drinking close to 3L of orange juice a day, but I really really need to kick this on the head (hah).

The local chemist recommended raw garlic, I've been told to find the clinicians choice glandular fever remedies, I've been told to gargle salt etc etc...

So what really works, let's hear it!

(Pro Tip: let's bump this in winter!)

Edited by Spottswoode

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Kiwifruit and hot lemon+honey+ginger drink seems to do stuff for me

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Boil some red wine and drink it while its hot... don't drink too much, a cup or two :)

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Guest FrantiC

My old man does the whole hot tea with lemon and honey.

Also I have seen him a few times boil the kettle, put a towel over his head and the kettle and "emerse" himself in steam. Atleast I am hoping it was steam :mellow:

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You could also try 1 index finger in your mouth, the other index finger in the place where the sun dont shine... if that doesnt work.... swap hands. :lol:

Oooops... naaaa thats for acid stomach :(

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My old man swears by hot rum toddies - I reckon it just puts him to sleep and its the sleep that does the work lol.

Basics really - fluids, rest, and anything that can boost the immune system, so vit C, etc, raw garlic is good (swallow cloves like pills, don't chew the stuff), and these days you can buy all sorts of herbal immuno boost tablets from the chemist - they can help.

Cut out sugar and coffee until you come right.

Eat lots of protein-rich food.

When I feel a cold coming on, I hit the vit C and immuno tabs, guzzle water until I'm peeing every 5 mins and go to bed early. Usually its enough to stop it before it becomes a full blown cold.

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It works. My ma said so. Has been fixing me since 1987

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If its a variant of what I've had, takes about a week to go away ... so you should be ok by the w/end. IMHO.

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Kiwifruit and hot lemon+honey+ginger drink seems to do stuff for me

I use this. Grab some ginger and smash it into a mug, add hot tea + honey (manuka works well) + lemon. Fixes me well - if you can handle the ginger :lol:

If its a variant of what I've had, takes about a week to go away ... so you should be ok by the w/end. IMHO.

Haven't ever seen you sick. Whatever you take must work :huh:

Edited by JiB

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Sudafed 12 hour rules the world!

Problem is you go into the chemist to ask for it and they say "sorry we dont have that"

Go put on a suit and youll get it in a jiffy

Edited by 3 SERIES

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Cod liver oil and balsamic vinegar

shot it. (it tastes like sh*t)

Drambuie (sp) before bed also

Edited by ED1RTY

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Haven't ever seen you sick. Whatever you take must work :huh:

Never get sick usually. Wife was very distraught. I milked the sympathy hard.

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Amateur mistake, you should not have stopped drinking.

E: I don't like cold pills as they make me drowsy, I just eat well and stay active (kick it's ass!).

Edited by antony

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Night and day works mint for me too.

I got an accupunture kit at home. Don't really know WTF to do with it but after a few shots of everything said above it could get interesting.

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keep your fluids up, vitamin c, lemon & honey drinks with a shot of whiskey, sleep.

not much else you can do really, the day and night pills are just strong decongestants, the morning ones contain psuedo-ephidrine to keep you awake and buzzing during the day and the night ones make you sleepy so that you get a good rest. All they do is get you through a cold with less discomfort and inconvenience, it's the sleep and the vitamins that actually help fight the cold.

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i always try to hit back early but once you have a cold it will pretty much run its course,so for me its night and day or similar lots of liquids and easy living.Half the time you dont even know you have a cold.

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Guest Spottswoode

Jager shots and a packet of dunhill blue will get ya through it

Styvesant Classics and we'll be in business...

It's Tuesday and sudafed (no coldrex - suit was at dry cleaners and I lost my drivers licence <_< ) seems to be helping. Breath stinks of garlic, and my nose is a vertiable font of knowle... snot. All good signs so far.

Harden the f**k up advice doesn't really work when your eardrums blow in an airline cabin and you're in agony for the next 11 hours with a plane full of people pissed off at you.

Cheers for all the advice people, I will now go and try every one of them, suecure in the knowledge at least one will work!

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To relieve runny/stuffed nose, Ginger coke.

Microwave a cup/glass of coke (80% full) for a minute

add 2-3 slice of fresh ginger, when the fizz is finished, top up the coke to drinking temperature

drink up

BTW, for this drink, Coca Cola is better than Pepsi for some unknown reason...

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I have some awesome pills that work a treat. They are meant for arthritis (I think), but my doc in Auckland said he gives them to people when they have a severe headcold but need to press on without stopping.

I'll have a look at see if I brought them with me here, and let you know what they are called, but they work like magic.

Will get back to you if can find the name.

BTW a screaming headcold on the flight has got to be better than a screaming 22 month old. Boy did we have the rest of Business Class pissed off at us by the time we landed at SFO.



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I have some awesome pills that work a treat. They are meant for arthritis (I think), but my doc in Auckland said he gives them to people when they have a severe headcold but need to press on without stopping.

I'll have a look at see if I brought them with me here, and let you know what they are called, but they work like magic.

Will get back to you if can find the name.

BTW a screaming headcold on the flight has got to be better than a screaming 22 month old. Boy did we have the rest of Business Class pissed off at us by the time we landed at SFO.



Grant - I don't know how you do it..I hate flying BECAUSE of kids...they drive me bonkers. If planes only had air locks..being a dad must increase your patience gland to a massive size

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