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Site Admin Query

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Just being nosy, but ran a trace on the site, and was surprised to see the path go way offshore before looping back. What ISP does the hosting for the site? Weird that it is presumably cheaper for them to reroute everything overseas.

For instance, if you trace www.google.co.nz, it doesn't appear to leave the country (do they have an onshore server then i guess?)

have attached a screen shot below - The first three lines of the trace is the path exiting my connection through my ISP (I have blanked them for privacy), then the next few are it going to the gateway on the skytower in Auckland, and then wammo! off it goes to the states and beyond before looping back.

Just being nosy.


Edited by bravomikewhiskey

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Why don't you click the little link down the bottom of the page, invision something or other, they supply the forum software and do the hosting that powers this (am I right???)

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Cheers carl - never seen that link - I must be blind. that explains it then as the software etc must be stored on Invisions servers, and so as they are based in the states....

Thanks for clearing that up.

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Guest Andrew

The site is hosted on servers in america by a company who leases them here in NZ called nethost.co.nz . He is a good dude based down in Hamz.

Invision is just the software running this board - it is running on the server space I rent from nethost.

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Guest Andrew

How much is it? Who pays? Out of yor own pocket?

With the amount of traffic and space we use it costs now around 50 a month.

I pay yes.

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Which is why everyone should pay a voluntary membership fee.

If it wasn't for that $50 a month, the forums would not exist.

I bought a sticker (and a $2 donation :P ) but I have a feeling that that only covered the cost of the sticker. I would quite happily pay a yearly sub provided there was some minor benefit over those who didn't I can't think of anything at the mo as the benefit obviously must be less than the membership cost or else there is no gain for Andrew et al. who run the board.

I know it means more work for the admin team, but if you get professional with the charging of subs, and provide a membership benefit, then more people might pay it.

It might involve, say getting the supporting vendors behind the club more whereby they gat advertising on the site, in exchange for a discount to PAID members - ie it is of your benefit to be paid up as you get discounts at BMw related businesses. At first it could be quite informal with a trust thing for paid members, but as numbers grew membership cards (or keyrings??) could be issued to stop any abuse by non-paid members.

While the numbers are still low (we have 300 odd registered members, but at my guess only 100 odd active ones?) i know it will be hard to get the support from the retailers, but things will grow - maybe a partnership of some sort with the BMWCC - maybe if you join there, you get free membership here, and they pass on some of the sub to bimmersport. they gain by getting new members that wouldn't normally join (i.e. they only want to be bimmersport members, but pay the BMWCC sub to get it), and bimmersport gains by getting some of that sub, and the member gains by getting all of the benefits of a BMWCC member???

Just a few ideas - OT I know, but it's my thread...

I'll repost under the membership thread if someone thinks I should??

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You should sell ads.

I am sure BMW would pay $50 a month to have a banner.

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Guest Andrew

You should sell ads.

I am sure BMW would pay $50 a month to have a banner.

BMW cannot be associated with this site for various reasons.

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You should sell ads.

I am sure BMW would pay $50 a month to have a banner.

BMW cannot be associated with this site for various reasons.
Mega-meets spring to mind :lol:

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Woh.  Prob should have created a new post for that request mate.  This thread is 20 years old..

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