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Oh Man do I have questions....

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so as I don't live there yet... I have some questions on things pertaining to your fair Country, and just some questions on my E30 as I haven't been with the community long.

1.) what EXACTLY is a WOF and what is Inspected....

2.) my hood doesn't open as far as I would like and I was told there was a simple mod that I could fo to make it open more something about changing out the arm for a longer one?

3.) my on board comp (the one in the dash not under the glove compartment) dose not display the correct temperature I have checked the Intake air temp and it works fine I have also looked at wiring diagrams that give me no help. so does anyone know where this sensor gets it's info from because I can assure you that it is not -30 C out when it is in fact about 41C out.

4.) whats up with gun laws... are guns liked or tolerated, special permits? whats the deal.

5.) taxes, on what food, gas, road, transportation, power, probably everything Right?

6.) I'm sure I'm forgetting something just fill me in on anything you think pertinent

Thanks everyone!!!


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This is an awesome post guns :lol:

1) I will leave the WOF(Warrant of Fitness) for the boys who know the ins and out, but basically its a standard your car needs to be in before it is legally safe to drive on the roads.

4) Guns are mainly used in NZ by Farmers and Hunters!! Gun license issuing is generally pretty tough ie if you have had certain criminal convictions you will not get a license, No Semi/Fully Automatic weapons and Hand guns need additional permits as well as license.

5) Tax on The usual...we also have goods and service tax (GST) which was a 12.5%(i think) tax added to most products and groceries but is going up in the next few months. Emission trading scheme...more stupid tax don't get me started(google it)

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well it's good to know about the guns I admittedly was a little worried.

12.7% !!!!!!! good lord is that on all things sold or rendered? I would assume so.

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1) As stated a specific standard your car needs to be - read this: WOF Guide

4) There is a extensive vetting process - more information: Guns baby - they go BOOM!

5) lots of taxes, GST (sales tax basically), tax on fuel, booze, everything really... don't wine it is what it is.

6.) could be helpful: http://www.emigratenz.org/

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3) The ambient temp sensor sits in the engine bay, on the support rail close to the fog light near the left hand side of the radiator (if you're standing at the front of the car). It's a wire with a small black sensor on it about the diameter of a pencil. I'm almost 100% sure this will be why your temp is reading wrong, it will be broken or missing.

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Do you have guns ? or scared of guns ? ... guns are very safe... the person holding it may not be though

I'm X Army and have guns

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Do you have guns ? or scared of guns ? ... guns are very safe... the person holding it may not be though

I'm X Army and have guns

Guys - watch out for Glenn!!! :o

Sorry to go OT

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Regards Q 2)

Does your bonnet open to near verticle?

No simple adjustment to my knowledge - the hinge stay arm dictates the opening while the gas strut holds (sometimes)

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4.) whats up with gun laws... are guns liked or tolerated, special permits? whats the deal.

5.) taxes, on what food, gas, road, transportation, power, probably everything Right?

6.) I'm sure I'm forgetting something just fill me in on anything you think pertinent.

4. You can get your hands on hunting rifles and the like, shotguns included with a valid NZ firearms licence. Bit of a process to get one, (you must attend 2 gun club meetings, they interview someone you know, you've got to sit an exam etc). I don't know if you being from the states makes it harder or not. You need very special licences to get your hands on handguns, military style weapons and anything automatic and they are very hard to get.

You're also required as a condition of your firearms licence to keep your guns and ammunition in a secure, locked cabinet or other appropriate place like a locked wardrobe.

I'm sure you're aware that NZ is very safe and unless you hunt/like collecting firearms there's really no point to have one over here. If someone tries robbing your house and you put a bullet through their head, you're probably going to face quite a lengthy trial and it's touch and go whether or not you'll get off, so keep that in mind if you want one for security purposes.

5. Taxes, yeah they're everywhere. Goods and services tax (GST) is charged at 12.5% (going up to 15% as of October) on all consumer goods and services. Alcohol and cigarettes have their own duties but I can still afford to drink a decent amount of piss and I'm a student, so it's nothing major. Petrol has taxes on top of the GST which account for about half it's price, so about 90 cents per litre at the moment. This includes ACC levies and so on though, so think about that as your health insurance being paid as you fill up. ACC levies are also charged at about 1-3% on your income as well, along with PAYE (income tax) which (as of October) will range between 10.5%-33%. There are taxes and levies on vehicle registration also (expect to pay $300 a year to register your petrol vehicles, not avoidable).

6. Bring over lots of money, our economy needs it (not nearly as much as yours does though, lol).

Where are you planning to live in NZ?

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3) The ambient temp sensor sits in the engine bay, on the support rail close to the fog light near the left hand side of the radiator (if you're standing at the front of the car). It's a wire with a small black sensor on it about the diameter of a pencil. I'm almost 100% sure this will be why your temp is reading wrong, it will be broken or missing.

yup your right. a common problem, especially on US cars from what ive seen. May be present and still hooked up but just rooted... its the worse side of 20 years old remember.

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@ mark I am I Marine and just have an EXTENSIVE collection of high caliber rifles, shot guns, and the like.

Very good Info thank you everyone!

@ king Karl :-)

I am planning to move to Christchurch for quite a few reasons, (nothing against the north) if I were to live in the north I would probably move to wellington, but Christchurch seems to be where I need to be going. I am going to be working for the BMW dealer there (probably) I don't know yet obviously because they haven't hired me but I'm going to be going to the BMW school here in the States. beside that I do a bit of day trading on the stock market and make a fair bit of money on the side, I defiantly plan on bringing as much as I can :-)

don't mean to sound whinny about taxes I haven't experienced them that high since I was in Europe last...

@ hotwire, My hood opens to about 70 degrees or so I have seen a lot of pics where ppls are vertical and it would be ALOT easier to work on crap in there if I could get to it, as of right now I just un-pin it and VERY gently let it rest forward on the grill, I dont like it but thats why I'm looking for other options.

Thanks everyone about the location of that sensor I know I have some chewed wires but I haven't been able to get to that section of the car.

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If your into your hunting Bryan, there are a huge number of options for persuing this sport in the south island....you'll also love the ruggidness and beauty that the south island offers as well. I love it down there... so different from the north island. I also shoot with a Nikon.

Besides a gun licence, storage of these weapons is very strict. Gun safes and storage of ammunition. I have a gun safe and a seperate fireproof floor safe. What weapons do you intend to bring over? Bolt action rifles must have the bolts stored seperatley and semi's must have trigger locks as well. When you decide to come over, make sure you organise something with a gun dealer or the police here to store your guns while you go through the process of getting a licence. I'm not sure what the proceedure is though. Because over here, you are not allowed to possess or store a firearm without a licence. There are also restrictions on magazine sizes as well. I used to have a 50 shot .22 mag, but I had to surrender it when they changed the law here. I suggest you get a copy of our gun laws and have a good read first so your prepared. We are also allowed to have 1,000 fps air rifles here as well.

Did you do a TOD while in the Marines ?

Edited by *Glenn*

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don't mean to sound whinny about taxes I haven't experienced them that high since I was in Europe last...

I don't think anyone mentioned that taxes pay for Healthcare/Prescription drugs and schooling (to an extent) and are free or very subsidised, so there is no need for health insurance...which i presume you pay in the states.

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@cliff... I think I had heard that in passing but I didn't put the 2 together... thats kinda cool, and yes we pay out the nose for health care here.....

@ glenn

I have the main rifle from every major faction of WWII except japan. no fully auto, couple of hand guns, and a couple of shotties, most are bolt actions but I have a few semi auto's

I didn't get a chance to do a TOD I was a Turbine engine Mechanic and no matter how much I volunteered, I was always considered too important to pull away from production. kinda a bummer I almost got to do boarder security on the edge of Syria... it would have been cool but what ever.

My Wife and I are both from Colorado so the south is going to be a lot like home from what i can tell. in fact Christchurch being at the base of the mountains is a lot like Denver...

truly really excited to move there!!

Edited by F.G.

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I'd love to see some pictures of your guns.


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I'll see what I can Dig up... any of you are more than welcome to hit me up on face book Bryan Vette I have some pics on there.

I'll try to find some...

I want to join a soccer (futball) team when I move down there am I consididered in the seniors? I'm 23 I'll be almost 24 when I move.

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I want to join a soccer (futball) team when I move down there am I consididered in the seniors? I'm 23 I'll be almost 24 when I move.

Joining a football team will be quite easy i'd imagine. There are quite a few football teams in Chch, will depend on where abouts in Chch you decide to live probably.

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ya I can understand that,

I don't know where about I'll be going I want close to the mountains on either side... the port or the airport...

of course I'll probably end up somewhere I can afford.

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That's normally where you end up. There are quite a few good football teams around and depending on how serious you want get there are several leagues. I'm player/coach of our Div 2 team and we have a real relaxed atmosphere but still play a high grade of football and like you, I'm 24 in a month.

PM me if you want a run down of clubs etc when you get here.

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Right on Gaz! That's what I'm talkin about! Somewhere where I can tackle and then go have a pint with them after :-) I'll def hit you up.

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Bryan, is it going to be easy to go through the immigration process to move to NZ (or do you have family/connections in NZ)?

When my wife became a "Kiwi" it was quite a difficult process.

Getting my Green Card for the US wasn't just a case of rolling up and asking for one either and even though I was at the top of the heap for eligibility. It took time, lots of paper pushing, jumping through hoops and was expensive.

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Yes it's is a very difficult and expensive job moving there. I have to apply and then be screed several diffrent times, just for application. then I have to submit my resume` and be interviewed , and have a job offer.

I have currently been working on this process for over a year now, and I have even had to change careers in order to even be elligable to move...

Hard yes, impossiable... please, that is going to make Victory that much sweeter. tell me I can't and I will try me hardest to make sure it happends. Sucessful people all have this attitude, and It seems that quite a few people have this attitude on this forum!

I love the fight for it!

yes to it being expensive I'm looking at about $18,000 USD just to move my crap not even in taxes once I reach Lylleton (sp)

Fear not for your lord, God is with you (joshua: something, Something) :-)

I also noticed a bunch of people asked to be my friend on Facebook, pretty cool you guys :-)

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