323e30 0 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 what the fuxk! read these petty fines! looks at the dates too, like a couple of weeks apart.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dave 2 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 sucks!!! he beats u gus!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
E30stz 0 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 true, live just down the road from my dads old work, pretty much roudn where i used 2 live. They sit outside BK / Shell waiting 4 people these days, 2/5 times I go past theres usually a cop there. We do have a resident cop on these forums, so dont bag them to much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
323e30 0 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 ordered off road with green sticker for a faulty rear brake lite and dark windows. passed the re test within an hour of ticket, no proof of the darkness off tint hence charges droppes still had to pay for the full test 70$ at vins, i pulled off tint in front of cop too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OLLIE 26 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 i don't care if there is a resident cop on these forums, those tickets are just absolute bullshit. offences. "this young guy has a personalised plate with the word evil in it" "i'm a traffic cop and felt like fining this guy because his car looks cool" ....round the corner a bank is being held up, some mum is on p smaking up her kid, granny is driving round the roundabout the wrong way, and some dickhead in a jappa thinks he's cool by v'teching up the street at 150k while kids play on the side of the road. traffic police?? ... .. where is thier innitiative, judgement, and non arrogantness. they are not all that bad.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
323e30 0 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 speeding my badd i deserved that 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1N STYL 0 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 wow thats a joke. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OLLIE 26 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 unless you were driving shitty, maybe you are an unsafe driver? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
323e30 0 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 nah not driven shitty on thoes occations, only the speeding 1 i was. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
323e30 0 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 read the num plate..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bimmer boy 21 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 wow some cops just love to dish out the stupidest tickets Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaM 0 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 (edited) skooled bro.... I've had a fine or two thats pretty sh*t cause as well, but again, if you got a fine there must be a reason, if not, contest it.... I always thought of fines like this as being kind of o.k. given the number of neat misses that most people have, I've *almost* benn pinged for like 112 soooo many times, a couple of times I've managed to somehow get away with 120, so when I got stuing with a similar fine I didn't mind too much, I could have been ticketed in excess of that a few times.... and hell every single cent goes toward road safety, roading improvements, and training new police officers!!!!!!! *note heavy sarcasm* were they justified or what? I must agree with ollies post though, it seems the police force is being run as a profitable business these days, real crimes ARE going on without anything happening, I have many many experiences where "the feds" have't done a thing about alot of crimes, ranginr from vehicle theft, to attempted home invasion, to assaults, traffic "offences", the list goes on and on... when i was a youngin, police were people you looked up to, the highest honour for a child was to talk to a cop, they were, in kids thinking, real heros, nowadays i have no respect whatsoever for them, bad stereotype, but hell, one bad apple spoils the whole bunch. latest example that I've seen of sh*t policing is sparkle gettin pulled up for doing less than 50 in the 5-0... cop came caning up, pulled us over, went absolutely nato at sparkle... thought he was gonna deck him, for doing nothing.... wow, young guy in a mint car, harrassment over hurr.. :thumbsdown: ya cant win, as long as you're doing nothing wrong then *theorectically* you wont get done for anything, if you fit into a stereotype (young guys in cars) then you WILL get hassled, I used to get pulled up in my ae86 every time I drove it in town, half hour pull overs were commonplace, as police scoured it for something to ticket me on... wtf.. yet i could get away with caning round in my brothers fairmont v8 with no mufflers, 17s, and 4 across the back seat without a problem... go figure. andy-just because there's a cp on the board doesnt mean you can't express your true opinions, I'm sure he comes on here as "joe average", not as a cop.. cher Edited April 16, 2005 by CaM Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BMW POWER 2 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 Should be moved to General Discussion , but who cares. Well, i think this is absolutely stupid, lately the cops have been flaking a lot of sh*t and this is just yet another example of their idioticness. Fair enough if you were speeding, but failing to indicate for 3 seconds.. thats ridiculous. You probably indicated for like 2.98999 seconds.. dodgey cops. You should appeal for this one i reckon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m325i 718 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 Ha Ha! Sucked in Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gus 5 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 feel ya pain dude nov, dec, and jan not good months for me ticket wise.....2 i deserved and one was complete and utter bullshit (of course the most expensive one) some cops are really sweet, and can see reason....others just see... young guy nice car girl in seat lets fine his ass......and there nothing you can most of the time....sucky meh they occasionally catch dickheads though Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
E30stz 0 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 andy-just because there's a cp on the board doesnt mean you can't express your true opinions, I'm sure he comes on here as "joe average", not as a cop.. point taken. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BMW POWER 2 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 Theres a cop? Well i better watch what i say about them... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cainchapman 0 Report post Posted April 16, 2005 I don't have a problem with those 2 tickets for changing lanes (unsafe or without indication). I hate to say that the cops should be concentrating on the basic ability to drive courteously to the conditions rather than if you are doing 61-65 (where most accidents in town occur). At least there are no demerits to go with them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bravo 35 Report post Posted April 17, 2005 Everyone has their stories about bad deals from cops so I won't bother with mine. My take on the thing is that it is a direct result of the merging of the MoT with the police. 1) We got traffic cops becoming real cops with their traffic cop mentality. These traffic cops are now running the show with this same attitude that they had as "rookies" in the MoT. 2) We have police officers wasting time and training on traffic when there should be regular cops doing their bit for crime and traffic cops focusing on their lot. 3) We have traffic departments dictating to the higher ups regarding funding and focus taking resources away from real policing. 4) We have new cops developing a MoT mentality that affects the way they deal with real crime - they still talk and act like traffic cops. Cops are so hard to have a conversation with - they are the most unpolite, arrogant arseholes even when you are not on their hit list and are helping them. This is because this is what traffic cops are like due to the sh*t they get from people when on traffic, and it rubs off on all of their dealings with the public. We need to separae the force and make it back how it was which worked. I am not even sure why they did it in the first place (OK I know why they said they did it, but why did they think that it would actually work?). Oh, and 323e30 - did you move, or do you habitually give the police different addresses from ticket to ticket? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
1N STYL 0 Report post Posted April 17, 2005 (edited) i would say that the cops actually love you. pay more attention to what ur doing, i'm guessing the cop was driving behind you, so u should have seen him/her. Oh, and 323e30 - did you move, or do you habitually give the police different addresses from ticket to ticket? WTF is up with that Edited April 17, 2005 by 1N STYL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bumpstop325 0 Report post Posted April 17, 2005 these days your more likely to get away with 'rape' than get away with doing 52km/h. That's what i think sucks. More than anything else. Crime should be the po po first and highest job. not traffic duties. if anything cops should be taken off traffic to make up crime fighting numbers. not the other way round. Also fines go straight into the coffers pockets. none go to road saftey or very very little.Its too much of a money spinner for the govenment. Cam, your comments are soo true. coming from a policeman's son 'me'. im feeling the sameway as you. i 'used' to look up to the thin blue line in respect and look at them a good way. but how my confidence has dropped in them. they are just pests on the road. the way the new cops are bought up is every time you pull someone over you HAVE TO TICKET them because the boss said so. because it uneconomical to pull someone and not ticket them. Thats why i think the focus is on traffic. There is no money to be made in solving crimes. Just money being spent in court. Seen as the govenment cant make money in solving crimes, they target younger drivers for not doing little petty things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gus 5 Report post Posted April 17, 2005 yeah i will agree with you too tim.....i actually used to really respect the cops for doing what they did, and sympathised with them for getting a bloody hard time from a lot of people yet still doing a good job. but somehow now, having encountered quite a few, i think so many of them can't use their own judgement and common sense, at least in my eyes doing 107k in a 80k (which i didnt know was an 80 btw) in broad daylight in good conditions is not as bad as people assaulting and raping old ladies.....i really think its kinda sad Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carl 3 Report post Posted April 17, 2005 [pimp]It's all about the money.[/pimp] Ever since the introduction of speed cameras the Police have realised the true profits to be made in fining your dumb asses over and over. You either pull your head in and drive, as Cain suggested, courteously and avoid the fuzz or you draw attention to yourself and have the man come down on you, hard. Unfortunately though, until they separate the Police back into the two divisions the respect and admiration that everyone had for the Police will never return and the more victimising crimes such as rape and burglaries will go unsolved. A good tip: Being aware of what's around you is kinda helpful. Knowing that cops are always sitting in a certain location would suggest to me that you shouldn't speed through the area. Using your mirrors while driving you can generally notice big white cars with blue/yellow/orange stickers sitting behind you somewhere on the motorway. Cop cars stick out like whores in a church. Take a leaf, I find more pleasure in doing things overtly correct in front of cops than doing something stupid. If they want to sit behind me waiting for me to make a mistake then they're going to get very tired. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bravo 35 Report post Posted April 17, 2005 at least in my eyes doing 107k in a 80k (which i didnt know was an 80 btw) Me mum got pulled over for 103 on the same stretch of road about two weeks after you Gus and got let off, so ???????? I think we are all agreed, the merging of the MoT and the police ultimately spelt the end of the respect the Police had (and deserved) before the merger, and until their attitude changes, or the divisions are split again, then that is how it will be, and so as annoying as it might be to have to constantly watch your back and drive like a paranoid granny, it just may be that we have to take carls advice and be extra vigilent on the roads even if that spoils the experience. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
*RJ* 0 Report post Posted April 18, 2005 ...I find more pleasure in doing things overtly correct in front of cops than doing something stupid. If they want to sit behind me waiting for me to make a mistake then they're going to get very tired... I love that feeling when you know you're being watched and you know you're doing everything right. I was at the lights a few Fridays ago 2am with a nice blondie in the front...Police car pulls up next to me at first set of lights gives me the once over, 2nd set of lights he sits there staring at me (probably my passenger) then an S13 drifted through the lights, I gave the cop a wave and he roared off after the 'drifter'. That made my night I do respect cops, when they respect me. I know if I'm pulled up that I've generally done something wrong so I don't get lippy with them and act politely. It usually works, and hey sometimes they let you off with a warning. It's a give and take situation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites