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Horror in Iran

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This is not for the faint hearted.

I can honestly say, I never want to see images like these again .

If this doesn't bring tears to your eyes you have no soul. Their cruelty has no limit ....

Some of them were 12 years old, some 15; Some not even that...









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OMG !!! ... I feel sick to my stomach---{wanders off thinking of the cruelity of man}

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This is not for the faint hearted.

I can honestly say, I never want to see images like these again .

If this doesn't bring tears to your eyes you have no soul. Their cruelty has no limit ....

Some of them were 12 years old, some 15; Some not even that...

Very good Glenn - nicely done - I'm feeling ok though as I can't see any Gin which would truely be horrible









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Differences in cultural values... discuss....

If they were allowed to drink would they all be so uptight?

If their women were allowed to dress how they like would there be more material for the wank bank and more people getting laid causing less stress?

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If they were allowed to drink would they all be so uptight?

If their women were allowed to dress how they like would there be more material for the wank bank and more people getting laid causing less stress?


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And maybe there wouldnt be a war.....


Is Iran at war with someone? Oh no that's right, the US is scared of Iran.

I think i'll move to Iran, at least then i wouldn't have to suffer the meathead NZ drinking culture.

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If they were allowed to drink would they all be so uptight?

If their women were allowed to dress how they like would there be more material for the wank bank and more people getting laid causing less stress?

Was hoping this thread wouldn't take this direction... oh well.

For starters, please lets not go all FOX News up in here and have an open mind.

I'm hoping all the comments made have been in jest (and I'm sure most of them have been). But just in case, PLEASE go do some homework as to why people in Iran don't drink and why their women dress the way they do.

I can't speak on behalf of Iranians, however I personally don't drink, both my sister and mother dress exactly the way they want... modestly.

I'm sure you all realize there are some pretty colossal drawbacks to a society revolving around alcohol and sex...

Not taking a dig here, I just feel that the other side of the coin needs to be voiced. I realize drinking is a big part of the NZ culture and that's all good but lets not ignore the fact that it's the root cause of countless innocent lives not to mention a huge money pit with regards to the tax payer dollars that go towards mitigating it.

Lets not get too carried away here yeh :)

Edited by crazyarab

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I dunno about you guys... But I think smashing a truckload of bottles would be absolutely f**king fun!

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Would not feel bad smashing bottles full of alcohol.

Good on you for saving the world one bottle of liquor at a time!

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Good on you for saving the world one bottle of liquor at a time!

As long as I didn't pay for them I don't care. Payback for all those ruthless hang overs.

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