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Re-wiring car

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I'm redoing the wiring in my car. Not happy with my first attempt of reusing the old wires in the car.

Looking to get some rolls of wire. Not sure where to purchase from though.

Also looking for fuse blocks, connectors , tidy relays, etc. Where do I purchase these from

If anyone has any other sudgestions or examples of a tidy and accessible setup, i'm all ears.

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I had but didn't really give it much thought because i'd need to hack it up. Which will probably give me a result that looks like my current loom, which has far too many connections.

Any auto sparkies that can tell me where they source their products?

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Try General Cable. They actually make the stuff that gets used for automotive harnesses and might have a distributor.

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  Thorburn said:

I had but didn't really give it much thought because i'd need to hack it up. Which will probably give me a result that looks like my current loom, which has far too many connections.

Any auto sparkies that can tell me where they source their products?

Wholesalers don't sell to general public.

Interested as to why do you need to rewire? How much "rewire" are you talking about & why do you need to? Serious mods or damaged wiring? It would surprise me if it needed a total rewire. If no mods - would be much cheaper easier to get a loom from a same model wreck.

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I had the feeling this was the case.

Wiring is damaged because I hacked it out

The only modules I am using from the car are abs and the window wipers. I'll be using a link g4 for the ecu.

I just want to keep it as minimal and simple as possible. The fuse box and the positive terminal in the engine bay have been removed because of the roll cage

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My 2c would be that the kit or wires you end up buying is somewhat irrelevant provided it does the job you want ie connectors that seal well, fuse holders which hold and present fuses well. Does what you want of it. That trademe kit looks pretty good to me.

The quality of the job will come down to the time and preparation you put into laying wires out between components and making sure your happy with it before cutting wire to lenght, putting heatshrink in place (a step i forget to often and have to resolder) soldering it up and wrapping miles of tape arround it. That Nylon sleeving is awesome if you can find a source. I only had scraps.

DIYAUTOTUNE.COM has a good range of plugs and bits including EV1 bosch stuff for injectors and through firewall connectors. I used that for my ecu install plus some carefully disassembled factory connectors to get an engine loom which looks more or less factory.

I have to admit though im a little ocd when it comes to wiring and kinda enjoy it but like all things put the time and patience in and it pays off

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You can get that nylon wire braid from element14.com

That stuff is a pain in the ass if you ever have to get at the wires or add wires though, looks nice though. You can also get split braid, but I have yet to use it.

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