Grant 4 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 I suspect that there are a few beer fans here. I am a huge beer fan, and now that I am getting older I am leaning heavily towards quality over quantity. What are some of your guys favourites? I am blessed and live within 2 minutes walk of Galbraith's, probably NZ's best Ale House. Not only do they have a massive amount of diverse beers in stock, they also brew 8 different brews themselves. Currently my favourites are: Pilsner Urquell (Czech) - probably been my outright favourite for about 5 years. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (USA) Sam Adams Boston Lager (USA) Erdinger Weissbier (Germany) Bohemian Pils (Galbraith's, NZ) Baroona Original (Wakheke Island, NZ) Limburg Weissbier (Hawkes Bay, NZ) I am not a huge fan of the traditional English/British beers, but I don't mind a Guiness or two on St Patricks Day. As far as New Zealand Beers are concerned (I think that we are reasonably blessed with good beer here), I like most quality lagers (this excludes rubbish like Export Gold). Just interested in what you guys like, or if you are happy with the likes of Lion Red, Tui, Heineken or the other traditional beers. Cheers Grant Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sudo 0 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 (edited) Depends on the season/mood. In the winter I usually enjoy Stella Artois, or a pint of Blue Goose at the Cock & Bull goes down well. In the summer I'll stick to Corona, Miller or occasionally the bourbon. Not a huge NZ beer fan, don't mind Export Gold but anything else is sh*t. Edited September 13, 2005 by Sudo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bimmer boy 21 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 Umm I like -Bodington -Stellar Artois -Crown -Corona but if I'm feeling poor I usually get Haagen... Who am I kidding I usually feel poor.. that would explain why I have two dozen of the suckers on my floor. Im not really a beer guy anyway... Just hand me a bottle of Jagermiester and Im rollin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gus 5 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 Big Fan of Erdinger weissbier....lived on the stuff over in Germany. bought multiple swappa crates. Heineken is my usual favourite...nice n simple, goes with anything. Macs Gold if i want a glass Used to love guiness, until a Irish bar in Berlin fed me 11 pints. its never been the same love story Hoegaarden if at one of Aucklands Belgium's Export gold if im feeling poor Tuborg is a good alternative to Heineken, and cheap too Carling if im scum.....$12 a doz...and its drinkable..kinda watery used to love Corona...then i grew testicles. same goes for radler...beers for people who dont like beer (chicks or fags) Stella ok, find it quite bitter, works well with a 'top' (of lemonade, and no its not a shandy) Czech pilsners are generally decent I'm enjoying drinking heineken and doing shots of a decent vodka (ie not kristov 62)...its lotsa fun. prob missed a few out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Andrew Report post Posted September 13, 2005 Becks Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carl 3 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 The Czec Bduweiser Büjekovichy (sp) is definately my fav, Becks is close. Franzikaner Weisenbier aus München Dark beer is currently topped by the choc malt from the speights house, then Roosters Dark (H-Bay) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Palazzo 486 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 SamAdams is good, try Macs Sassy Red, or Monteiths Celtis which are vaguely similar. Otherwise, Steinlager and don't give me that crap about hangovers, harden up. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
martyyn 2 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 Grolsch is the one for me....Amstel comes a close second. But it has to be the stuff brewed in Holland, the NZ brewed Heineken tastes too much like every other massed produced kiwi lager for my liking. Extra cold Guiness is always a pleasure, as is Kronenberg. I cant say Im a big fan of too many kiwi lagers to be honest. After drinking European stuff most of my life, I find the kiwi version to be a little on the light side. Im off to Holland on Friday and bloody well looking forward to it I can tell you :beer: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dave 2 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 (edited) big lager fan here.. among my favourites are becks, stella, holsten pils(wen i can find it!), Carlsburg, Heiney and Asahi dry.. As far as ales and the rest go, coopers ale goes down a treat, and i also enjoy the odd kilkenny! Edited: Beers on the hate list: Corona, Sol, Bullseye and Guiness Edited September 13, 2005 by dave Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
petone 0 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 (edited) Sadly depends on how my bank account is looking. The worst its gotten is Tasmin Bitter. Never again. Normally I choose between Tui or Export, the usual student rubbish. Usually more into my lagers. If I have got money or its on special I'll always grab some heineken. Love that stuff. Anyway, biggest rule is it has to be cold. And I prefer a glass as well. Edited September 13, 2005 by petone Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m325i 718 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 (edited) Kronenberg oh and i do like th dry Jap beers Kirin etc. Edited September 13, 2005 by m325i Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carl 3 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 I agree with you Martyn, having actually drank the real stuff a few of the beers here are not the same as overseas, Guiness and Heinekin are two of them. Thankfully the Becks and Büjedovicky (sp) we get here is the Bremen and Czech brewed stuff. Amstel make the best light beer. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grant 4 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 Büjedovicky (sp) Just call it Budvar. I will have one from time to time (it is bloody popular at my squash club), but it is a bit bland for me.Still 10x better than the American Bud (which is supposed to be a copy of Budvar). Cheers Grant Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m325i 718 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 Amstel make the best light beer. get hard Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bumpstop325 0 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 (edited) the NZ brewed Heineken tastes too much like every other massed produced kiwi lager for my liking.holla, im with you on this one. Brewed in Holland only. Green Tab.Like mostly two types of beer, free beer and cheep beer. I drink whatever is going, Tui is my beer of choice. But not to say thats the only stuff i drink. If it tastes good i will drink it. This applies to top shelf. Grant, i have just started playing squash and im loven it. Have to have a game some time. Edited September 13, 2005 by bumpstop325 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spargo Report post Posted September 13, 2005 I love Belgian beer. Can't get enough of it. Personal favourites would be Chimay Grand Reserve, Westmalle Triple, Leffe Blonde and Orval, which are Abbey/Trappist style beers. If i'm after a Witbier, i'll reach for a Hoegaarden or a Steen donk. I had a dozen Magnum's of Grand Reserve 2001 cellared, and have just finished it off recently. Unbelievable that a beer can cellar for 5 years so well. MMMM tasty. The golden style's are great for a sit down session, stuff like Hoegaarden Grand Cru, Delerium Tremens and La Guillotine. I love the Saison style, but good luck trying to find a good one here. I hate anything with Framboise or Kreik in the name, i can't stand fruity beers (radler excluded, you do know why its not a pussy beer Gus?). Of the NZ beers, I really enjoy the boutique breweries offerings, such as the Limburg range, Baroona and Good bastards (tastes crap, great name). Did any of you get to try either Monteiths Saison or Bohemian Pils? Probably two of the best beers i've ever ever had. Neither of which is made anymore, and in the Bohemian Pils, was never realeased publicly. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bravo 35 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 (edited) If I'm the sober driver I always drink Amstel Light, or Steinlager Light at a pinch. Otherwise at home I drink Stenlager, Heineken, Becks and Monteiths Original. I sometimes buy Grolsch when its on special. I also like the odd Guiness in winter. I recently came back from overseas and they had left over cans of Guiness from the Lions tour for $1 a can at duty free. Now I know it's not the same from a can but I bought several 4-packs and it's the best I can get without going down the pub. I also don't mind the odd Kilkenny. Kronenburg is pretty good too. I like Monteiths Summer Ale if is the first beer on a really hot day, but otherwise it is just too sweet and is like drinking treacle. Radler is the devil's spawn. I tried Carlsburg and it was good, but not my favourite. When not drinking beer it's usually CC and dry with lemon or CC and lemonade. But I spice things up from time to time by trying something new. Looking forward to Oktoberfest. oh and tried a Leffe the other day - it was an 8% from memory (which is a bit fuzzy not surprising), but I can't remember how it tasted. i do remember I liked it but at that stage of the proceedings I'd probably have liked anything. Strawberries to pigs aye Cilk!!!! Edited September 13, 2005 by bravomikewhiskey Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
*sic 1 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 ill always hit a ranfurly. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spargo Report post Posted September 13, 2005 ill always hit a ranfurly. Tasman Bitter is up there though, right? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carl 3 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 m325i, you're a dick, lite beers have there place as bravo said and the Amstel is good when you're the driver - I can hit a six pack and be good. Tim, I play squash, i'll give you the run around if you want some excercise when you next come down. Sic, Ranfurly is not that bad, it's all I get when I hit my cousins place Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Andrew Report post Posted September 13, 2005 actually - rethinking it has to be Pirate.. Aarr arr! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
*sic 1 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 (edited) Tasman Bitter is up there though, right?dude you high?ranfurly is the one and only Edited September 13, 2005 by *sic Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
*sic 1 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 pirate and Excalibar are other fav's dave really gets into Excalibar. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Andrew Report post Posted September 13, 2005 pirate and Excalibar are other fav's dave really gets into Excalibar. that sh*t is just so foul hah Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m325i 718 Report post Posted September 13, 2005 m325i, i love your dick, lite beers have there place as bravo said and the Amstel is good when you're the driver - I can hit a six pack and be good. Amstel is the best light beer. I wouldn't be talking about decafe, in a thread about quality coffee. Decafe, light beer etc = 316i with M badges on it. Great if you are into that sort of thing. I like that Dortmunder in the tall can, good stuff. Who drinks export gold? why not drink Tui/Red? Worst beer ever Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites