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Need a BMW wiz...

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Driving along fine, just put gas in, travel about 5km and then start hitting some bumpy road with tight corners and what happens, my E38 starts randomly cutting out, mid drive. It cuts out, then comes back on again. All lights on the dash come up when the cut happens. Luckily I was able to roll it into my drive.. Turned it off, then started it and all is fine.. Haven't yet taken it for a drive in the worry I might cut out full time...

Really odd, felt like my gas was low but I have just put fuel in.

I am too worried to drive it anywhere, so is there any BMW handymen that do home visits? Just don't want to risk it and at this point I can not afford a tow anywhere...

Super worried as I now have my Daughter at Kindy and no car to go and get her in, plus I have work so the sooner the better.

Anything I should check etc?

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And now it won't start at all. Cranks over, tries to start.. Looks like Fuel Pump.

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It was definitely petrol that went in it, not diesel?? Pump handles hadn't been swapped around at the servo.........??? I know it sounds a silly question, but it happens regulary these-days......... ;)

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loose battery terminal clamp

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It was definitely petrol that went in it, not diesel?? Pump handles hadn't been swapped around at the servo.........??? I know it sounds a silly question, but it happens regulary these-days......... ;)

They wont pump the wrong fuel even if some smart arse swaps them around. The trigger to pump fuel is on the pump not the handle - if they are swapped over (eg: diesel handle in the 95 slot) it will still liven the slot you lift not the incorrect nozzle.

Fuel pump has similar symptoms, but wouldn't normally bring up the dash lights. My money is on battery terminal clamp, crank sensor or a loose electrical connection.

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i had very similar when a battery terminal was loose (combined with a build up of corrosion dust)

also similar with e32 750 when the rear seat moved and shorted battery positive out.

car shutdown and engaged hazards etc like an accident

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Okay.. Battery terminal all good and well, secured tight etc.

Won't start at all now, well it does try. Got a mate to pull out Fuel Pump but he's a jappy know it all so didn't really help on the bmw scenario.

Could it be a blockage of some sort? Car all works fine, it just sounds like there is literally no gas in the tank, but there is (Yes it is 98 I put in)

Who is around Auckland area that could come out for a nosy for an okay price? I know of some mobile mechanics but need someone that knows what they are doing and won't charge me through the roof to just have a look for me and get a second opinion on the situation.

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Sounds weird - feel free to let us know what it is once its cured ae..........

If you take away the electronic side of things, all it really needs is spark, compression & fuel in order to go........... ;) Its almost like its a relay or a fuse or a wire that been rubbing, given the bumpy road bit etc you described.......

Has it got good fuel flow outa the pump, & up to injector line........??? Filter is ok?? Any odds you've picked up water with your fuel (bottom of service station tanks maybe) ??

Just some thoughts........

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Are you sure no one has pissed in your fuel tank? It has happened before.

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Check your battery. A battery with a low charge will crank the engine but not run all the electrics which includes the fuel pump.

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mite be the fuel pump that's burnt out.

these things aren't very forgiving compared to the jap ones etc and don't like to run on empty.

(do a second click on the ignition, you should always be able to hear the fuel pump)

or something to do with your idle.

all part of the mystery of owning a bmw!

Edited by Richiezhp

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