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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Not to be confused with auto erotic asphyxiation. Okay... Long story short... I've ruled out a manual conversion already so don't want to hear about that. Really like the sound (and price) of Dinan's performance software upgrade for the 540 transmission. In particular, firmer and faster shifting coupled with being able to maintain selected gear regardless of speed, would make a huge improvement to the fun factor. I also found a tuner in the UK who can flash the EGS - CA Automotive - but here's where the frustration starts... The guy at CA Automotive is adamant that the software for my transmission cannot be programmed to hold a gear but can do everything else for a similar price and is happy to flash my EGS remotely via Teamviewer. The guy at Dinan stands by their claims that they can programme it to hold the gear (apart from when you press the kick down button) but says they can't (or won't) flash the EGS remotely, so I'd have to send it to the States for mapping. Don't think I've really got a question... I'm just a bit annoyed. What to do....?
  2. 2 points
    I think everyone has made at least one major f--kup at work. If this was me I would approach this guy directly and say that you have noticed his change in attitude toward you, explain that were trying to do your best, that you have learnt a lesson. Ask what he intends to do about it. If you don't like his answer then go politely speak to the big boss. Just say you are worried about it ands ask whats going to happen. They need to inact some disciplinary action or back off. IME these days employers avoid trying to sack staff using the proper route because there is a fairly strict proceedure they need to follow. Far easier to sweep it under the carpet if they think you're a dick and then make your position redundant 3 months down the track. Sometimes its better to bring things to a head than sit fretting for ages.... Just my 2c - hope it work out.
  3. 1 point
    Hi guys, Thought I'd introduce myself and the new car, which (fingers crossed) will pass compliance today. It's a 2007 335i M Sport 6 speed manual. I've been living in the UK for the last 8 years, and decided to bring the ultimate memento back! Looking forward to driving it here considering the roads are a little less congested and all.... It's standard at the moment, but it has had new turbos and injectors to sort out the common bugs. Otherwise it's pretty much unmarked. I only drove it 25 miles through London from the seller's house to the shipping agent's yard, and all I can remember is an ocean of torque. Bring on the good old Kiwi road trip.... ! Cheers, Rob
  4. 1 point
    Thanks Josh. Great to have a proper explanation of what's going on! So my best options are to: 1) Send the EGS away and do a lot of walking for a month 2) Pick up a secondhand EGS - recode to my VIN (not sure how easy/expensive this is to do) and send that away to Dinan and be able to use the car
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Nothing wrong with looking after your car properly and protecting it.. and my car gets driven properly, its no garage queen, drive it harder than most but I look after it afterwards.
  7. 1 point
    If you are an employee then your employer will have insurance (you also probably have public liability if you have contents insurance). Your employer needs to follow the correct proceedure which involves a proper investigation and at worst a warning. IMHO your employer can't recover a cent from you unless you agree to it. So dont. Maintain your had good intentions and apologise if you have to but thats it. This is the advantage of being an employee rather than an employer.
  8. 1 point
    So, you were working in a high security data centre & decided to pick the lock of a cabinet you didn't have access to? The last data centre i visited was about as secure as the Bank of England (escort at all times, passport for id, senior management approval to be on site etc) - so they are understandably touchy about security. Hmmm - ill advised at best... Unless you're a contractor with a penalties clause in your contract i doubt your company could charge you for the $3000. Their contract with the customer probably does have penalties which are enforceable but i don't believe they can just pass that on to their staff. It would be a pretty shitty thing to do even if it was legal - and if there has not been any disciplinary action internally i suspect they would be on very shaky ground. Wouldn't worry about it until they slap a formal disciplinary process on you.
  9. 1 point
    And style 42's are a pain in the arse to clean!
  10. 1 point
    Yea that's asking waaay to much. I paid 11,500 for mine. And mines an evo and has leather!
  11. 1 point
    God damn theiving hoer's
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    I'd never buy a car that has had a child in it! heheh
  14. 1 point
    Very nice indeed! Classy!
  15. 1 point
    It's all practice! Looking forward to interior shots! I looked to replace my brushed aluminium trim with CF, however thought it wouldn't give much contrast.
  16. 1 point
    and i tell ya that torque is addictive
  17. 1 point
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