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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/13 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Sit down sunshine.. Ray is only trying to educate people of the realities of cheap copy wheels. thats it. Some of us have had a lot of first had experience with the problem and are only sharing what happens ... no need for the shitty unfounded finger pointing.You're guaranteeing nothing when you dont know the story behind this vehicle.
  2. 1 point
    Toyota Dealerships in NZ tend to really look after their customers............heres a neat BMW story that blows them outa the water IMO.... Its interesting that in the video, it states they deliver 22,000 vehicles ex this site per year........???!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=189KFuGHVVo Well I liked it anyway............
  3. 1 point
    So what does that have exactly to do with this thread?
  4. 1 point
    Those E30s! The E39 M5 with 29K miles would be nice too!!
  5. 1 point
    Heres a wee story for ya then Darren............. At 16 yrs old, sole back seat passenger in a major car accident in Southland on a Friday night - at open road speeds our car hit / got hit by another vehicle in RHR door. The impact broke our car in half, looked like it had been cut with a knife behind front seats & at A pillars, there was 30m between the 2 halves & I was ejected out during the impact. Some of the things that have stuck in my mind....... * Waking up on the road, with a stranger leaning over me, & telling him 'Don't let traffic run me over' as first words. Then just laying there, fading in & out, & hearing the sounds of sirens approaching in the distance, thinking it was the best sound in the world.......... * Being extremely lucky with the surgeon I was 'given' - young guy, probably not long outa med school at the time called Murray Fosbender. I had multiple surgeries from him over the next 12 months, & he 'rebuilt me', rather than an amputation that would have probably happened if I had got some of the older surgeons that were in orthopaedics at the time - I'll always be eternally grateful to him. (I tracked him down a few Xmas's ago, & told him this). * Being told after one of the surgeries, I'd never ride motorbikes again - I'd already been riding since 8 yrs old & loved them. I'm still proving that statement 'wrong', but the day will come where the pain of doing so over-rides the desire I suppose.....I changed the style of bike I ride in my 30's, thus I've only had Ducati's since then. * I've always remembered how good morphine is, when you really need it, & the pain when you're waiting the last hour before the next jab........ I've done all sorts of stuff since then with vehicles, including competition stuff - never any accidents (touch wood)!!! I suck bigtime as a passenger, & I tend to have low tolerance for drink driving, poor driving skills & in general, 'muppets' on our roads......... Was a very defining experience from which I learnt lots, some of which never really sunk in properly until years later.
  6. 1 point
    I've done E46's without problems. Put a blanking plate (steel) between the valve and pipe to seal off the exhaust. Fit a ball bearing in the vacuum hose to block it and unplug the SAP. Leave everything else hooked up and it all looks original.
  7. 1 point
    If you cant afford new then you are better off going genuine second hand. Quality at a good price and you know they are always going to look good and hold their resale value.
  8. 1 point
    Picked up 8M3 today from a tune with Gavin&Ross at BM Workshop/Hi-Velocity. Very impressive results: 238.5kw in 4th gear @ 178kph Pulled all the way to 7000 rpm. Got a gain of 13kw from the previous run.
  9. 1 point
    Yup, this has been posted in Bimmersport 43 times. At this rate it will be worth what he is asking in about 30 years when they are rare and collectible. I do like the wheels and tyres on it.
  10. 1 point
    Yeah, it's a bit of a mess. It's a tiny carport single garage, there is very little space, and lot of other sh*t down there. I am moving soon also, so don't want to spend hours tidying everything up just to move it all again. I know where everything important is (I think...) haha. I have a friend who put together an m50 into a 328 shell as a track car, he didn't care where the valves came out of and where they went in to, mixed exhaust with intake, and in absolutely no order, all very willy-nilly. His car has been running really well for a while now, a year or so, and he ravages it. Is he just very, very lucky? As I said, I hadn't heard of the significance of the valve lengths before. Thanks
  11. 1 point
    work areas should be clean when working on your car. and an absolute bomb site at all other times. thats how i do it anyway haha
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