Lots and lots of bits of progress over the last few months.
Another iteration of the exhaust! Added a magnaflow cat and another centre muffler. Took the unpleasant rasp out of it and dropped the drone right down. Still makes enough noise but nothing weird anymore. Very pleased.
Then I moved house, E30 did the workhorse duties
Got some very large exciting packages.
New whiteline front and rear swaybars, new endlinks etc.
A bunch of garagistic chassis reinforcement and chassis bracing stuff
H&R Sport springs - to replace the spare parts bin lowering springs that were in there before
So far have installed all the chassis bracing stuff, and the new H&R springs. Big difference, mostly attributable to the springs and the transmission brace, I think. More compliant but everything feels a lot tighter.
Next up is to have the rear trailing arm sway bar tab reinforcement pieces welded in, then install the new whiteline sway bars.