So... its been a while since I have been here and I guess I should provide some updates!
So another year or so passed with the car just sitting in the garage most of the time, and being bought out for the occasional show or cruise. After 4's and Rotors 2018 I decided the car needed a bit of a change up.... and hence the process of beginning a wrap came to mind. Now, 90's touring cars are amazing looking machines in my mind, and most are sponsored by cigarettes or alcohol. The only thing that I could think that would work well with the red would of course be the classic white and red Marlboro livery!!!
I do have to say that putting the wrap on took a hell of a lot more time than I ever thought! Wrapping around the door handles was tricky and we didn't get the job perfect, however it looks great in photos and definitely turns some heads!
I managed to pickup some ratty old rims, that I quickly gave a coating of white paint to and chucked my semi slicks onto. I do have to say they turned out far better than I could have imagined!
Then came the day of Chrome Expression Sessions, and the car ran perfectly! Not a drop of oil used, and it handled fantastically all weekend! Was interesting to see that the car wasnt as slow as I expected against everything else that was there down the straight too!