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Everything posted by martyyn

  1. Amen to that.Would look nuts with the clears on the front, red and orange is not a good mix
  2. Man, you got some muppet questions on the auction there Brent. What was the point with the one stating it cost 3600 to repair a blown head gasket, never mind the guy telling you to wreck it rather than sell ?
  3. martyyn


    WTF 3700km's....what was the point of buying it ? Never mind a daily driver, Id be rocking up to work in it. A car is for driving, I cant understand why anyone would want to buy a car to sit in a garage. Saw a Top Gear episode the other day that talked about the Merc gull wing. Now Ive never been a fan of merc's but that car is gorgeous and to think there was one at Southwards when we were there that was sat infront of an open doorway. Its criminal to have something like that not on the road
  4. Thats a fine looking stick. If wasnt chasing this plastic bag with in built hole on ebay Id be in for that like a shot.
  5. I want a pint of what youve been drinking :beer: As for the 5, it looks gorgeous. Ive not been a big fan of the wheels in the past when Ive seen them before but they are sweet on the car.
  6. You have to log into your page and then on the left down the bottom you get to update the data thats on your web page.
  7. Im on, so how do we hook up ?God I sound like such a newbie !
  8. There are two things to be wary of.The e38 had a facelift in 98. In terms of shape the rear of the cars stayed the same but the front indicators are different. In 98 the rears went to a white indicator lense like you had, and in 99 they went to the crystal look which is what Im after. The crystal fronts are aftermarket and as long as they are upto 98 they will fit. I dont have MSN Im afraid, but Ill try setting it up now and let you know. Whats your 'name' on MSN ?
  9. regardless of what happens, definately include me in the side repeaters. They are not easy to find.
  10. and Im in two minds about the fronts. The ones you put up or these....
  11. Ive sent an email anyway, but here are the rears I would like....
  12. Ill send you an email to talk about it off line mate.
  13. Can you get anything for my 1996 e38 ?Had a supply all lined up in Wellington just a few months ago and now the go wont answer my emails Im after clear/crystal fronts, sides and the crystal rears. There are plenty of places in the States and the UK on Ebay but if you place does them then the saving on shipping would be great.
  14. martyyn

    Other car forums

    Quite right, sorry Cam.How about this.... Wellington Peugeot Club I had a 406 SRi and it was one of the best handling cars Ive ever had. Was very sad to sell it. I couldve kept that car for a very long time. The 206 gti is a great little car as is the 106, but the 106 is blooming small !
  15. martyyn


    There are a couple of *cough* tricks *cough* that you can use come testing time to reduce the emissions if necessary. i think injector cleaner and a few 400m sprints is one of them.Other than that Ive always thought the best way to reduce your emissions was to have the car running as sweetly as possible. Sorry mate, I dont know any more than that. Im also not certain about the 1990 thing. Just remember seeing it somewhere but you know what happened the last time I said that.
  16. martyyn

    Other car forums

    Oooooo tag team. Who gives a toss whether he's flogging his own product or not ? If its a resource of BMW intelligence then Im all for it. If you dont like it dont register. Now where exactly did Shadow mention anything about selling products on Bimmersport ?
  17. martyyn

    Self Pwning

    Damn Grant, I can relate to that being 6'5, I dont think a day goes by without me having to duck underneath something and Ive done what you did but without the falling on the back thing. I have a similar story and it was on a first date with a girl many years ago. I took her home (as you do) and escorted her to the door. As I went walking up the driveway I went to leap up the last step not realising that there was the roof to the carport above me and I jumped straight into it. Let me point out that it was 2am and the carport was painted black I stumbled into the house with her help and after a couple of mins her mother came out to find out what all the fuss was about. I was obviously concussed and couldnt drive home so I got to spend the night in the spare room I slept for so long her mum started vacuuming outside the door the next day to try and wake me up. Eventually her Dad came in to see if I was still alive !
  18. martyyn


    There are new laws coming into effect that mean your car must pass a series of emissions tests for its WOF. Particularly the CO2 content of your exhaust gases. Properly functioning catalytic converters can dramatically reduce the emissions your engine throws out, but I dont think it means you have to get them fitted as a rule. I dont know what the standards are going to be, but they have been testing in the UK for a while now. I had new cats put on the 740 when I came over, but the 750 had them removed at the request of the buyer and that passed the UK tests with no problems. I also dont believe its relevant to cars built before 1990.
  19. Some of this might help.... Locked out
  20. Cant disagree with that, I love the ACS pinstripe.The problem is that people 'in the know' will see it and know youve just taken the logo off and to me that looks like your trying too hard. Ask the Wellington guys who got together last about the black 538 parked outside the pub with chrome side grills on it.....they still had the M3 badge on them ! Oh how we laughed.....well I did anyway At the end of the day, its your car and your choice. If you like it do it. My opinion should mean nothing. Its what you want to do with it that counts.
  21. Nah mate, if youve got it flaunt it.The Schnitzer and Alpina stripes are the dogs bollox on the real thing but speaking personally I wouldnt bother unless I had something under the bonnet to back it up.
  22. Id like to think that I woodn't be caught out by that !
  23. martyyn

    318 arrived!

    No reason why they couldnt be
  24. Dont knock it till youve tried it
  25. Yeah thats what I have on mine, 8.5 on the front, 9.5 on the rear.A friend bought an MSport 540 a few months ago and that has the same as your aswell. Started with 17's of course, so I assume thats the right size for the 5.
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