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Everything posted by martyyn

  1. martyyn

    Leather Recaros

    Yeah....what he said They are lovely seats, well worth keeping in my opinion.
  2. Emma, Whilst the wheels are nice and shiney, get them coated with wax. I used the meguiars carnauba and they are a breeze to clean. Even after four weeks of grime they just wipe right off. Clear fronts, sides and crystal rears will make the car look years younger. Mmmmmmmm M-par dish. Welcome to the club.....dont worry about Paul, he's jealous as hell :finger: Are those the regular tyre sizes for a 5er with 18's ?
  3. martyyn

    BMW Seats

    Damn........they are nice
  4. The reason the cost is so high is that since the oil has been leaking into the inlet manifold weve decided to whip that off and clean the oil from in there too. Of course that adds to the time and the gaskets etc. It all adds up. Obviously Im gutted but at the end of the day Ill know its all been fixed properly and that I will no longer be driving around blowing oil down the cats and having them damaged which would be far more than Im paying out now ! Cain, I am a member mate, was the first thing I did when I found out how much parts are over here ! Brent, as for yours mate, Im with Paul, I think yours sounds a little more than the PCV. Id be thinking about the head gasket too.
  5. Ive had some problems with rough idle the last week or so and the 740 has been billowing smoke when its cold. Vijay (Page European) has had the manifold off today and found the culprit to be the PCV valve (if thats the correct terminology - Ive heard it called an oil separator too). Up until this afternoon when he found someone in Auckland with replacements I was looking at a couple weeks worth of wait whilst the part found its way from Germany. At least now he will have it tomorrow. Conservatively he reckons that once they have replaced a 250 dollar part and then put new gaskets everywhere that theyve had to remove to get the part out in the first place I will be looking at 1200 big ones To rub salt into the wounds I wont have the car till the end of the week and so am back on the bus
  6. Paypal if the seller will accept it. However alot of what Ive bought has been from Germany and they regularly only accept bank transfers
  7. martyyn

    Stolen e46 m3

    I didnt notice any red leather, but it was imported from South Africa in 91.A red M5 would be stunning.....unfortunately at 80k its a little out of my league ! [edit] Obviously it wasnt 91 ! ....just cant remember whether it was 99 or 01 now !
  8. martyyn

    Stolen e46 m3

    Give the man a cigar, Tory European it was.I stopped to check out the M5 too, Im seriously thinking about pitching up to take it for a test drive. :mosh:
  9. martyyn

    Stolen e46 m3

    I walked past a car yard in Wellington the other day and they had every car on the 'front line' with the doors open, the keys in the ignition....and the engines running ! Im talking a couple of Porsches, a Jag, couple of BMW's and I think an Aston too. It wouldve been so easy to have hoped in one and driven off. I stopped for a couple of seconds to check if anyone was in the cars, but nope, not a single soul in sight.
  10. martyyn

    Ewald in Dixi

    A member of any of the peoples speaking a Germanic language, especially a German. Dictionary.com :thumb:
  11. Sic my friend you need to get laid. Your obviously suffering from having too much pent up emotion, and you just need a release.Seriously, how the fcuk you became a moderator I will never know.
  12. Thats one good looking 4x4 Seriously though that looks superb....youve done a cracking job. I have the soft gel stuff and Im sure it said 'safe for wax' or something like that. Im starting to plan a day to spend the washing, polishing and waxing etc. Unfortunately I dont think the shine is as effective on a silver car as it is the darker colours. Masking the car up though....that is some serious dedication. :thumb:
  13. They actually expect that you pass at bang on 100 and assume the vehicle you are passing is going 70. I have always been under the impression (and by that I mean I read it in the road code rather than a mate of a mate who has a sister that married to some pimp who knows someone) that you are allowed to go over 100kph in the act of overtaking as long as you return to 100kph when you have passed.Obviously the normal rules apply, road is clean, weather is good, have a clear 100m to overtake and all that jazz. Passing lanes are my biggest peeve about NZ drivers. They drive all day long at 80 then hit 110 when it becomes two lanes :rambo:
  14. Only probably ?Good luck with being a changed man but there is no excuse for drink driving. I got a ticket the first week I was back in the country. Id spent the previous weeks hooning around Europe in the 740. 120 mph in France trying to get back for the eurotunnel that we were late for :mosh: Got here a week later and bought a Legacy GT-b wagon. Was trying my best to remember its only 100 kmh and got snapped by a camera doing 111 kmh
  15. Interesting that they tried to stick it to Land Transport at the end. Unfortunately when someone is on the take there is very little a computer system can do ! If had a dollar for everytime they repeated the fact that you could get a licence without sitting a test, I couldve bought one myself.
  16. martyyn


    :pimp: 'nuff said
  17. Do you have the number plate and VIN number ? PM me if you dont want to make them public knowledge but I think we are all friends here. Also the 7 series was the B11, the 5 was the B10, so is it a 735 ? Cheers Martyn
  18. martyyn

    my beach basher

    245's................... :gay: 275's................... :pimp: Sorry mate I couldnt resist !
  19. martyyn

    my beach basher

    The car looks fantastic. Im really starting to get a soft spot for the e30
  20. Ive always wondered what that stood for and for some reason I cant getohh to see nine in 3-D out of my head but Ive never been convinced that thats what it means. So what does it actually mean ? It was on a lovely cossie Sierra, and that was some time ago ! Cheers Martyn
  21. martyyn


    He told me they could now do them on the premises.I have heard of places doing what you say though, shipping them all over the country and ending up in Palmerston to have the work done !
  22. martyyn

    Political cartoon

    Sic, dont get me started on religion.....seriously Cilk, My comments on Ireland werent meant to shoot you down or anything mate, just personal experience thats all. In all other respects Ireland has done very well for itself, but I (and one or two friends from Dublin) fell like the place is selling out and losing its sole, simply because the 'average' Irish person cant afford to live there anymore. Same old story the world over. The political thread is getting very interesting. Id be very interested to know how old some of you are that are supporting Brash. I remember when I thought things would change if voted for the right person and then student loans came in. As soon as the money arrived National couldnt get over themselves. Labour then came in saying they would abolish them but as soon as they were in power they realised just how much money there was to be made and decided against abolishment. I have a 21 year old nephew and although I would love for him to go to university, there is no way he can afford to and no way he wants to come out with a 50k loan at the end of it. i cant recommend it to anyone in NZ at the moment. Politicians will say whatever it takes to get them elected. Once there they can do whatever they like as they know they have a very small window of opportunity. Ive been away 6 years and I really cant get over, just how NZ has turned into a complete user pays state. This country needs some 'stable' leadership, perhaps something in the middle to what we have to choose from now. But thats the problem, there is no choice, its left or right. Ill admit that I like what Helen Clarke has done for NZ, but at times Labour has gone too far. I have personal experience of Brash and I can honestly say I dont like him. I agree with some of his thoughts, but not to the extent that he does. NZ has to start looking after number one, and spending some of the 8 billion dollar surplus from last year on schools, hospitals, firefighters and nurses etc should be the starting point. I could talk about this all day
  23. martyyn


    Mate I couldnt have been nicer.How often do you have customers drive a four hour round trip to find out how much it would cost to fix four wheels ? Without his invoice I couldnt claim on the insurance and without them paying I wasnt able to get the work done. Dont get me wrong, on the phone and in person he was great, he just never came through with the one piece of paper I needed, even though he'd promised it four times. Perhaps he just doesnt like poms !
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