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Everything posted by jpp

  1. House/Dance is quite punchy. Porting any box makes it less responsive yet louder. So I'd do that, but get some pro advice from someone with good experience, I'm only talking from what I've been told from Paul Mooney, Driving Sound and Parallel [and icemag] and from my personal audio and a mates.
  2. 1g is a very beginners budget, yet to a beginner, it is all you need. You can quite quickly blow $1k on a HU and front speakers, but if you get a deal like this one, it'll be hard to beat, but easy to change things around, as noted above with 1 sub instead of two. Dependant on the music you listen to, should tell you what sub you need. 10" - Rock, House - Punching music 12" - Hip-Hop - BOOM BOOM You won't notice much difference from 2x 12"s and one good 12". Amp the fronts, amp the sub. Disconnect the rears [physically or through HU]. Spend as much as you can on the fronts, then save up for rears if need be.
  3. Icemag is a great tool. Powersupplies can be bought from Jaycar, $50 for 140w I think which should be enough to power your unit.
  4. jpp

    E36 Eye Lids

    No. Need coupe specific.
  5. Makes me cry! If only my pop owned a good panel shop! [And we lived in another country where more than one yellow lambo crashes a decade]
  6. jpp


    http://www.a1tint.co.nz/ -- they're in Tauranga. Perhaps they have Auckland or other large city agents. Another cheap, yet professional and mobile guy I know is; 0212941472 [Akld].
  7. jpp

    E36 Eye Lids

    http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/BMW-E36-REA...sspagenameZWD2V For example.
  8. jpp

    e30 clearing out sale

    Updated. Biggest things left that should sell; Power Steering, Ignition Barrels x2, Rust free winder sunroof, Reded FL taillight lenses, NEW BMW Manual FL radiator, Springs, Shocks, Front brakes, Diff Glass Panes,
  9. That's heading up Hobson St by Skycity. But the orange looks good to you?! What else can he do? Go green?!
  10. From what I can imagine, it'd be easier to just buy some new manual winder doors! You could wire them up rather easy, but I wouldn't bother wiring up to the fuse box or to the computer [if it does] just make your own wiring diagram and go for it, making sure that it can't be operated when accesory button is off. You will also need a power window console, door cards, and switches + fuses, wiring, sh*t load of time and effort etc
  11. Your car would look mint with clear indicators bro. The facelift car should have ollies black tinted versions.
  12. jpp

    e36 horn not working

    Turned out to be a lil 15A fuse heh
  13. jpp

    e36 shiz

    Bump, need passenger side wiper to pass WOF
  14. OK, nm, got the horn working ;P Also, the passenger [coupe] seat button that pushes the back down and move the seat forward has stopped working. Any quick fixes there? Cheers.
  15. Font is the most obvious. If you are going to get the NZ ones anyway, I'd just buy them in NZ. Dutch ones forthewin.
  16. jpp


  17. Benefits? Downsides?
  18. Are you talking about these pics? If so, he's running king lowering springs. Not superlows. But low enough to scrape when full up with the boys! Bye bye exhaust haha
  19. jpp


    Seriously bro, I wouldn't even attempt! Because coupes don't have the window frame, the tint will come off on the rubber whenever you open/shut the doors. I'd seriously pay the odd $300 instead of the $80 on trademe to Tintacar and get it down pro with a warranty!
  20. jpp

    e36 shiz

    edit v2.0
  21. jpp

    My E36 318 TI

    You've had the CAI fitted for some time now, are you happy with it? None you would prefer to get instead? I'm wanting to get one for me 320i coupe 94. Through autopassion?
  22. jpp

    E30 323

    I had same symptoms as you. And what Will has said is what was wrong with mine.
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