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Everything posted by joshnz

  1. You would be correct, he does work there ... I think thats how he got a dodgy warrant as well ... anywhere else would have failed it with the height its at, thats the first major thing I'll be sorting out.
  2. Don't be ashamed to post more pics of that E36, its mint mate. Welcome to BS. Will have to organize a Lower Nth Isl. meet at some stage surely, eh?
  3. its a little bit of fun ...
  4. I was waiting for that. No, his girlfriend wanted a new car - a 4 door and liked mine, so the deal was done. Edit, my car also had only 92xxxkms, the 328 has an extra 50thou on that.
  5. I'm happy with the rims, and the drop is extreme as it is, it will be getting raised sometime in the next few months, will be getting grills at some point but am going to strip door cards and sounds and tidy interior before I o anything else. Its a 1996, and yes, straight swap for my 95 320i. .. the emblem is round, not square?
  6. Correcto, is from Havelock North, it is very dark blue in colour, goes very well for a 2.8 - quite hapy with the swap, we both got what we wanted. Oh yea, it is auto, I'm lazy and hate driving manuals.
  7. Picked this up the other night as a swap for my 320i, drives mint, just needs minor interior work to get it up to decent spec. will post decent pics at some stage edit; new pics, after lasts nights meeting with a small sized german shepard i had to clean the dirt/mud/fur off the front of it.
  8. joshnz

    E36 kidneys

    Far out, thanks for the reply's, Darren has hooked me up with a pair, thanks all.
  9. joshnz

    E36 kidneys

    For some strange reason my left kidney grille has gone missing over night, I'm in the middle of doing a swap of the car for a similar BMW so I need left or both kidneys, if anyone has any local/wellys I'll come get em' How much you wanting? pm me. Cheers
  10. Thanks to Ray, he's got the goods.
  11. Its still over $100 from Jeff Gray, if someone has one availible I would like to purchase it, thanks.
  12. As above, need one in good condition - right hand side engine mount for '88 E30 sedan. Send me a PM. Cheers Josh
  13. Was this car local? 5 grand? Try 2, or less.
  14. joshnz

    1995 BMW 320i

    Thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated. I just hope the new owner enjoys it a much as I have.
  15. joshnz

    1995 BMW 320i

    Still have it, its currently in storage though, its not worth me selling it for less than $6k, which was the max I was offered at the time.
  16. joshnz

    1995 BMW 320i

    Cheers, not sure, unless its a very tidy manual E30 I'm probably going down the Toyota road ...
  17. joshnz

    1995 BMW 320i

    Got my baby up for sale ... open to offers, its gotta go, time for something new. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=159549220 Cheers Josh
  18. Very nice. Edit; Post the original size up? that might make it a bit easier
  19. joshnz

    clunking 318i

    That will more than likely be the driveshaft donut - its rubber, in the driveshaft and costs about $170 from a dealer.
  20. hey brotaki, ur legnum soundz mint as oi pink neonz for the bros, maximum repsect!
  21. As title ... want some super low or compressed 100ml springs for the rear of a 6cyl E36. Preferably not worth hundreds of dollars. PM me, cheers.
  22. Well there is a certain 7 series you can have, for my right price.
  23. Do they have to be reset with a computer? or is there a way around that? disconnect battery?
  24. As title, need relatively urgently, if you can give me a email josh.r at clear.net.nz or send me a PM that would be appreciated. Cheers
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