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Everything posted by Cale

  1. Cale

    Vista Microphone

    You have probably tried this but hey. Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound -> Sound -> Recording -> then open integrated mic properties and adjust the levels.
  2. Welcome to bimmersport dude.
  3. Saw a Tech II diamond schwartz E30 325i with 15" weaves in Beachlands (!?) turning into a driveway. Plate was BCD***. 'Twas very nice.
  4. Hmm I was interested in this, but not anymore
  5. Cale

    White light bulbs

    Ahh I see, thanks. I remember now as when I was going to put a 100W bulb in my e30, I was told not too because of the extra heat produced.
  6. Oh my, how exciting! Looking forward to watching your progress dude
  7. Welcome mate, Good luck with the search.
  8. Unlucky man. Looking forward to seeing it running when you do!
  9. Cale

    E30 Touring

    Sweet pics. How did I miss these before? I would also have to agree with you.
  10. Awesome garage, M1 needs to be orange though!
  11. Cale

    SA 325i

    Verrrry nice indeed. I really like the softline Alpina's.
  12. Cale

    White light bulbs

    I heard these get hot and can melt the plastic headlight housing (especially in e30's). Or did I hear wrong? Let me know how they go mybmw. I will be looking out for some blinding white lights on Whitford Road.
  13. Cale

    New Tu Nero Ferrari

    [edit] Ooops sorry they are big(sh).. But its worth it.
  14. 14" Weaves, not 15". Could be cool, if you were prepared to do a engine rebuild - I'd say it has been bought, and the new owner is selling again due to bad rings.
  15. Those are wicked! Wish I had a e36 to put them on.
  16. Welcome back. Look forward to some pics.
  17. Hi and welcome! Nice car, I like the colour also.
  18. I like the idea. I would also love to do it with my touring. The twin cam M42 would/does go well in an e30, as it is a light motor with power that is not that far off a M20B25. Albeit not a smooth torquey(ish) il6. I say do it, because everyone has a B25, not a 318iS effectively.
  19. Yuck, looks tacky to me, not to mention the rotary. But nice back seats. Alcatara perhaps?
  20. I believe he meant a write up in reference to Brent's quote.
  21. Cale

    E28 Race car.

    Good stuff fox! My vote:
  22. Not every other person owns one. Other than that, not much.
  23. Cale

    My Car.

    Very nice indeed dude! I do like that front lip. What is it?
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