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  1. NZPED

    2000 E36 318ti

    Any indication on fuel economy?. Thanks
  2. NZPED


    Do you have an indication of where the vibration is coming from?.
  3. Now $10 Each, trademe links are below. All removed from a spare engine I had a couple years ago. No longer have an E30. Open to Offers. Located in Birkenhead Auckland. Power Steering Pump Throttle
  4. 5 rims, one comes with tyre. $50 http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?ed=true&id=1234818793
  5. Hi. I have just sent you a PM. Thanks

  6. I quite possibly could be, I have been filling the radiator pretty much to the top.
  7. I have tested the radiator cap(no expansion tank on this engine) by flipping it upside down, filling it with water and manually pressing in the spring. It seemed to work ok, was not jammed shut or anything.
  8. Hi All, I've had a series of coolant leaks over the past month. I was hoping to find some advice/guidance as to what I should be looking for as a root cause of these issues. Initially I thought it the leaks were due to old age of the parts, now I suspect high pressure in the cooling system may be the culprit. Here's what happened. 1. Large puddles of coolant under the car. Small hole in radiator squirting out coolant, radiator was old so I replaced it. 2. With the new radiator in a new hole developed in one of the radiator hoses to the thermostat, replaced this hose. 3. Coolant is now coming out the coolant overflow hose in small quantities(~50ml under the car after it's been parked). I have been driving the car daily, and it has only run hot (temperature gauge over halfway) on two occasions, both of which times the engine was under high load(steep hills) and I pulled over to prevent overheating. Recently did an oil change, no trace of coolant in the oil and can't see any oil in the coolant when I take the radiator cap off. Other than a leaking head gasket that is pressurizing the cooling system I can't think of what may have caused these issues. I think my next step will be to go for a pressure test which would presumably identify a blown head gasket. Would anyone have an idea of the cost in getting one done and any garages to recommend?. Any other advice appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi All, Looking for a radiator to suit 1985 318i with Auto Trans, m10. PM or reply if you have one. Thanks
  10. Mine snapped, please let me know if you have one for sale.
  11. Hi Guys, Had these parts stolen off my car in Northcote the other day, am looking for replacements. First part is the rear bumper end cap and the other is the panel that goes by the rear window. Both identified in the picture. If you have either of these parts for sale please let me know, thanks. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1069161...0609_161322.jpg
  12. Hi, Yes, still on the block, looks in good condition.
  13. Stamped as an 87, off a running car. Missing the following Radiator, ECU, AFM, ICV, Intake manifold sensors, Head, alternator bracket and alternator. Rest is still there, ask if there is a specific part you are after. I'll take $80 for the lot and am open to offers. Thanks https://dl.dropbox.com/u/106916127/20121106_151838.jpg https://dl.dropbox.com/u/106916127/20121106_151845.jpg https://dl.dropbox.com/u/106916127/20121106_151910.jpg https://dl.dropbox.com/u/106916127/20121106_151916.jpg https://dl.dropbox.com/u/106916127/20121106_151924.jpg
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