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About 318isCoupe

  • Rank
    3rd Gear
  • Birthday 12/02/1986

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  • Car
    1997 328i Coupe
  • Mods List
    328 Coupe - Manual Conversion, Full Koni Suspension Kit, BBS 17's, No Aircon.
  • Car 3
    1996 Mitsubishi Evolution

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  1. saw this http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-232143530.htm on saturday night, looked 10x more badass in real life. anyone know the owner?
  2. +1 m-tech kit is badass, the front of an m-tech e34 is awesome.
  3. I only just found this thread and was going to suggest taking it to disputes tribunal rather than making a big drama by taking it to court, depending on what the money owed is. obviously if its in the 10's of thousands then the disputes tribunal won't be able to help.
  4. YUSS! I have been waiting for this!!
  5. 318isCoupe

    das new e28

    who wouldn't? haha, E28 M535i > any e30 short of an M3 or some freakish weapon blowing flames out the back from a S50B32 with a great dirty holset strapped to the side of it
  6. mine commented on my sun visor being pushed right up against the windscreen, apparently they are supposed to sit "90 degree's from the roof of the car" completely vertical. unfortunately at my height if you have the sun visor like that you can't see anything past the sun visor. I really wonder where they get some of the license testers.
  7. the whole manual/auto restriction thing only applies to restricted license, once you've done your full it doesn't matter.
  8. all registered and ready to go
  9. does that price of $700 include safety items like tyres and brake pads?
  10. I almost got failed for resting my elbow on the armrest on the drivers door, even though both hands were on the wheel. Isn't that the point of an armrest?
  11. so what had we decided on for the price of the vehicle? and the schedule A requirements are as in your previous post? no wof or reg required? just bought a de-reg'd rover 220 turbo for $600 to sell for bits but its completely driveable, could be keen to turn it into a thrasher.
  12. I'll get back to you on that one, I'll see if she wants to get a loan, even if its from me. I think that if she got this I'd be letting her drive the evo more and claiming this for myself haha.
  13. my fiance has fallen in love with it so if its still around when her car has sold she could be interested, although in interest of bmw preservation I wouldn't sell it to her as she's already written off one of mine haha. edit: I got slapped for this post, and "there is nothing wrong with the way my fiance drives"
  14. seen your car around heaps. I had MONSTR on my evo for a while, had PILLA on a black merc s-class in my naughty days haha.
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