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About |ncary

  • Rank
    5th Gear
  • Birthday 03/01/1987

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  • Name
    Henry Bomb
  • Location
    Not New Zealand
  • Car
    1987 M325i
  • Mods List
    SR20DET swap, Full Ground Control adjustable suspension, AKG Delrin bushings all round, Full Sunroof Delete.
  • Car 2
    '08 R6

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  1. |ncary

    2008 R6

    Oh and cry me a river about the massive pictures. (right click open image in new tab)
  2. |ncary

    2008 R6

    Moving back to NZ over winter to do a massive massive OE, but I've had a fun time all summer in Perth on an R6, on Haven't topped it out completely but if you've seen any of my car videos then just know I have bike videos which eclipse them. (maybe try these keywords on youtube 'r6, perth, tonkin, mundaring') And with my brothers bike. And it's really fast And my job is awesome Goodbye, off to a house party with a large amount of single Australian girls. Life is tough.
  3. I will pay what an open diff is worth. What do you have?
  4. Shorter the ratio the better (like 4.1), open diff is ayyyye ok. In chch please thanks. And oh hi.
  5. You tell me, I have included a picture of an S13 loom no more than 10 scrollwheel movements above your post.
  6. |ncary

    M325i vs SR20DET.

    I said 'The clutch is nice and heavy/poppy thanks to the mismatched master/slave'. It is a good weight, and not mushy and dampened down like any BMW. It really snaps up in an almighty thawack like taking the hanging towel off your boner.
  7. |ncary

    B&G springs

    Damn, was going to offer $249.90
  8. Was it blue? If it was, gag, I've seen that thing eat a sundae. :/
  9. Didn't really hit that cone, just wanted to fold the left wing mirror in. Here's how you hit a cone at 110, twas the run after.
  10. I hear they are doing cheap flights from WA to USA cause it's so close
  11. >See post from Ashkan >Click on thread >While loading say to myself 'He has posted 'badass' I know it' >Mind somewhat blown once page loads
  12. will come when I can be bothered making it!
  13. irl transporter! It should be a 735i though with keypad start and shock absorbers tuned for the weight of 3, not 4, bank robbers.
  14. Track day on the 14th, will try get some onboard. But someone will bitch that I have a passenger that's going to interfere wit the driving movements and that the sunroof/windows are open and that it doesn't have a cage and blah blah blah ban trackdays and ban passengers and ban fun and ban driver training people how to handle a car on the limit and get those reckless people off the track and back on to the streets in a fwd caged pug sh*t and sh*t. Aw hell that was only 1 person actually! Will post a video most likely. Subtle?
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