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Posts posted by |ncary

  1. Needs a thumb throttle. Twist throttles are a bad idea on quadbike style handlebars, I could imagine that thing getting very loose on tight corners as the right arm extends/contracts and rotates the throttle . (Twist throttles are great for normal 2 wheel motorbikes because you only use a few degrees of steering angle)

    BUT OMG 315's AWEOSME!

  2. I was in the same boat at the end of 6th form. I was the first year with the godforsaken mess that is NCEA, and having assessments every 3 days, and things weren't looking good going into 7th form. However I did 7th form, best high school year EVA, and did the original plan of taking a gap year.

    Well that one gap year turned into 4, worked so many jobs, even in the mines over in Aus, and now have great life experience to show for it. This year I have started an mech engineering degree at Canterbury and wish to carl sagen that I could have gone into uni straight after high school. Cause I'd be finishing up the 4 year degree this year and heading straight for massive money and mid-engine tube frame e30's, and would have had an amazing time in hall life and uni life with people my own age. But oh well. The life experience really puts it in perspective. And I look around at uni and see all these 18 year olds wasting hundreds of dollars on beer and maccas, failing simple assignments and generally just being cocks, which is what probably would have happened to me. And I know now that when I finish this course I'll have the mega CV which will stand out from the crowd, and the life experience to climb corporate ladders faster and retire early and have mid-mounted e30's to drive on a daily basis.

    Well that turned into a novel. I can recommend taking a gap year next year and starting uni after that with a bit of life under your belt, and still with people the same age as you. And spend the next year going around different industries and companies (or art galleries (BA)) and finding out what you want.

    Because you'll get to 22 years old and it seems like 30 is just around the corner. Argh.

  3. Fark, that's well done.

    That harbour you have is amazing for snapper. Went up there with the gf last summer and she caught 12 snapper in 3 hours, kept the 3 biggest. (I only caught 5, but got the biggest :D)

    Best dinner ever that night.

  4. Just read the whole Targa rule sheet (wow there are some crazy rules) and it looks like a 2l turbo would be classed at 3.4l and an E30 would be in Cat5 Modern cars, and the rear wheel width can be increased 2inches over stock. Still sounds competitive :D Like a good challenge.

    Oh and don't be silly kids:


  5. No, just no. E36s are for people in mid E30 ownership crisis. E30s are where it's at.

    When's SR20DET coming? Would make your car a real weapon.

    Ahaa just kidding about the E36 :D

    I hope to have a SR in there next summer. After lots of research it'd be the best way to go for reliabilty, thrashing ability, parts availibility, and with friends who have the same engine and loads of knowledge.

    Would run it near stock and aim for 170-190KW atw with the smallest stock turbo there is. (Garrett GT25 I think it is)

  6. Snap oversteer, huge understeer...doesn't sound like the bars are matched to your rubber or halfsprung? Sounds like the car has gone backwards in terms of suspension tuning :ph34r:

    Apparent slalolm ability from lack of roll is great and all, but not particularly relevant to fast road or track use :S With that big a front bar, I would've thought that there'd be a roll restricted rear (cause of snap oversteer), and poo weight transfer in front (huge understeer when quickly loaded).

    Tried backing off the shocks in proportion to bars? Am thinking the bars have increased the bound more than is useful for street rubber. Otherwise, if you're going for better rubber, could try stiffening the rear bar?

    My 2c, or maybe .00002c. I still haven't quite grasped roll tuning - which probably explains the standard bars on my E30.

    The bars are way too stiff for street rubber, you are dead right. I found this out last week when I wrote off a 14inch basketweave hitting a kerb. Learnt lots from that however. Have changed driving style again and it's working out really well now. Would certainly put the stock sways back in for Targa, very skippydeeskippy on the Summit Rd at the moment. I was out again last night with the ABS relay out and the lack of roll at the front really helps braking so deep into the corner with minimal inside lock up. And snap oversteer is cured by not being a gumby on the throttle and with the wheel. These bars certainly have done so much more good than harm, even if the car is slower slightly. But with proper technique and tires I can see it cornering on 2 wheels (or feeling like it does). And I can see it being faster with the rear bar disconnected on the track

    I meantioned in my first post of this thread what the goals were for this car, mostly Road Rally. But it is constantly developing and changing. I'm a student for the next 4 years and the car club here at Uni does a lot of track days each year, plus the NZ track days, so with some R888's and a little more lightening this car will be perfect for the time I'm at Uni. Future planning for the win.

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