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Posts posted by 3 SERIES

  1. maaaaaaaaaan alota ppl on here must not b able to read ae because from what i read u understand ur car is too l0w so why duu people on here need to say stuff like its too low deal with it wen youi already know that lol n 18s will change the height of ur car it'll b fine once its got 18s so dw about that and also if people read properly you realli just trying to find out about this new legislation not worried about your fine n lowness of your car n whatnot lmao

    people on here can be very critical and at times assholes in my opinion but oh well lol its allgood cops are homos :):) i live in whangaparaoa only a couple of good ones but as peopl say depends who you get i guess the young cops on the coast think they the shiit n can du anything they want cause they cops blah blah oh well ahha

    it woulda been funny if u acually did say u should hear my evo lol and then give him ur gate as you take off lol :L evo ftmfw :)

    For F#^K sake! Learn how to use full stops & drop the text language. Either that or go back to school.

  2. Name and shame. Don't want useless f**ktards like this on our forum

    My thoughts exactly! I didnt think we had people on here that would be something like that to someone trying to help! Its rat sh*t IMO.

    Im interested in a E36 coupe lip spoiler but dont want to go to the hassle of getting just that colour coded at this stage and im not sure what it will look like as is, plain black.

  3. The front bumper and wing are fugly! Why someone would ever change a genuine msport bumper to that is beyond me. Also add the stering wheel to the list.

    On the + love the colour and m3 rep wing mirrors.

    And yes, the original wheel would have had an airbag.

  4. Second Wgtn show announced for the Sat night! Pretty pi$$ed as I would rather go to this one than the Thurs night one. Oh well, thems the breaks

  5. Yip, managed to snap up a couple of GA's to the Wellington show. There was no way I was sitting in the stand for an Acca Dacca concert! Ticketek was massivly overloaded. Just wrapped im going. Now for a long 6 month wait...

  6. Thanks Mark.

    Glenn, James, I have all my on a 1TB external. Not really keen on purchasing another only on the off chance the first one fails.

    Its not crucial that I use an online photo storage site as my second back up but would be nice that it had a feature like this in case of an emergency.

    Was just gauging thoughts anyway.

    Anyone used Flickr? any diff between that and photobucket?

  7. I recently brought a DSLR and have started taking photos in RAW file format to get he best quality.

    Im wondering what options are out there for online photo storage/management? I doubt there is such a site to store RAWS so will convert to JPG once mucked around with in lightroom.

    What im really wanting to know is:

    1/ Once photos are uploaded to a site, are they compressed to save space? or are their certain sites that retain the original file size and quality?

    2/ Once photos are uploaded to a site can they then be downloaded again in the off chance my external HDD falls over?

    Any help/advice/options would be appreciated.



  8. Wow! What an example. Do want.

    Judging by the two dogs on trade me atm that are 10k asking id say its worth a lot more than that. Mind you they havnt sold!

    Was the car for sale or did you just approach him? If it wasnt for sale he may only sell for crazy coin. Common Atta, tell us how much he's asking? :D

  9. Very nice bit of kit you have there. Mind you I am bias :)

    I pretty much get a comment every time I ride it. Love having a bike that very little people have or have seen before.

    I quite like the black/red combo on the Mortirolo. I didnt have a choice with mine. Basically all they had was one frame and it was in my size so I took it. Built the bike up from there. I only have Campag Veloce. Mind you its the shizz but beats any shimano I have ever used hands down. Am looking at getting some new wheels, pref zondas to replace the pinarello mosts.

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