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Posts posted by 3 SERIES

  1. Yip, I did the Contiki Euro Adventurer (37 days) 2 years ago. I really dont know where to start as ill be sitting here typing for the next week :D

    On our bus of 50, there were 3 Kiwis, 1 SA, 1 Canadian and 45 bloody Australians! 50/50 male, female split.

    The average age was about 18-21 which after a while got to me as they're were a bit immature and catty (I was 26 at the time)

    I hit the booze every night of the trip and hangovers were down to zip by half way. I timed my trip so that our tour passed thru Munich during Oktoberfest which is a must!

    My favourite place was Dubrovnik, Croatia. If you can, try do a trip that has a stop off there. Fantastic place!

    Montenegro, Albania were very interesting places. Exteremly cheap. A fly ridden pizza was about 70c and a pack of ciggis were 30c. I almost starting smoking for that price! Im glad i managed to go there thou.

    All Contiki's are very rushed but you do get to see all the main sights as the tour guides are very knowledgeable and know their way round. It gives you a good taste of whats out there and I now know where I will and wont be visiting in the future.

    Money wise, I went thru about 80 Euro (160 NZD) a day! Some days were more, some less. I wasnt going all the way over the other side of the world to be a tight ass. I think the total cost for the contiki & spending was about 14k all up. A lot of money but a lot of fun.

    As far as friends go, I made a couple of really good mates from oz who are actually coming over on Friday for a holiday. Ill be out of action on a one week bender with them to relive the dream!

    If you want to know any more specifics im only happy to answer your questions.


    Edit: http://contiki.co.nz/tours/107-european-adventurer

  2. How many threads do you need for one car mang.

    Agreed! Every time I jump on here there is another yay or nay for some kind of rim on your car.

    You should decide on a rim that YOU like, not anyone else as its YOUR car and YOU'RE going to be the one seen driving around in it. If the rims you want are expensive then save and save hard. This could take some time but in the end you'll have the rims you've always wanted and it'll all be worth it, trust me.

    DONT settle for anything less than what you're after because within a short space of time you'll get sick of the "second" option rim and will always be wanting your "first" option. Do it once, do it properly.

    IMO the black steelies look better than whats on the car in the above pic and also the borbets! :o

    No offence, just my logic :)

  3. After the race when we got home a mate of mine made up some singlets with screenprinting on them saying: I'm an a**hole (front) Jimmy Richards said so (back)

    Did you watch that youtube link I posted? Jim mentions them!!

  4. Got updated to Gen2 a year ago!

    Unless you mean the 3.1 software update.. Kind of useless, but I paid my 6 dollars for it.

    Get up with the play! Theyre on 3rd Gen now. The reason the 3.1 software its useless is because you have a 2nd Gen player. It wasnt designed for that...

  5. If the seller really wants to sell their vehicle then im sure they would'nt mind dropping it off for the pre-purchase inspection. I know I would'nt mind if it ment selling my vehicle.

    You will have to call the place you choose to get it checked at, book and pay for the inspection, then get them to fax, email, post the report to you on compleation.

    Tell them under no circumstances are they to show or give the report to the owner of the vehicle. You paid the $$$ for it, not them. Plus you will know everything wrong with the car and be able to use the negatives when negotiating a price.

  6. one might have to go on the front seat :D

    Im sure the Mr's will be wrapped with that! Could double as a floatation device if I go over the gorge ha ha.

    Hmmmmmm, might have to take the "boom box" out of the boot and drop the rear seats. Im sure ill sort something out.

    Let me know either way what you plan on doing.


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