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Everything posted by a13antichrist

  1. F**kin' aye. When I was in Auckland picking up the car I stopped to fill up & noticed it was 95, so I went down the road to where it was still 96.. and then now three weeks later I discover that they've all changed over to 95.. wtf is up with that?? Using 98 now instead
  2. Glad you can hate the bastard & kick his sh*t in. It really sucks when the person that runs into you is one of your friends with hot boobs.. :/
  3. Would love a mirror if someone can still post it?
  4. a13antichrist


    While it's true that it turns your PC into a global relay, it does so on ports that aren't really exploitable but yea in principle it's not fantastic. A lot of my friends in Europe use this and have been pushing me to use it but I'm waiting for a cellphone with VoIP & WiFi built in so I can use it for that. Other problem as mentioned is the Telecom network - they actually deliberately smack a 45ms interleave into the line precisely to cripple VoIP & other realtime comms in order to protect their toll revenue. Anyone on UBS will know just how bad this is as it's worse there but Jetstream gets it too.
  5. a13antichrist

    328i, 96, 20ks

    Dude why couldn't ya tell me that two months ago? What's the Ks & what's the price, might trade up heheh
  6. a13antichrist


    THat's not just a decent drive man, it's a rocking drive.. bottom of the Coast Road to the start of the houses in 8 minutes and legal all the way.. it's damn fanstastic
  7. 4 extra FPS in Doom3 and they really help to pull the ladies, too
  8. Both are painted Arktissilber. Spoiler pic below and also in this thread from a month ago. The adjustable bit of the spoiler is actually missing because the retard that owned the car before me thought it looked "dumb" and threw it away... :banghead: Lots more pics on request, paint is slightly chipped around the screwholes where the adjustable fin used to sit. Mirrors are in perfect condition, can provide with a set of new screws with L-key fit, rather than the standard bolt style. Interior foam piece is different from OE as I re-used the original piece for my new mirrors. Will put both on TM but thought I'd give you guys a shot first. Offers on both - very flexible on mirrors.
  9. If anyone happens across a 5x5cm domex or otherwise BMW badge I'll swap you my first-born for it...
  10. a13antichrist


    Lookin' mighty fine dude. Only thing I would do now is get clear corners to match the headlights. I'll have to throw some new pics of mine up soon, got the mirrors on and the spoiler off, just debating whether it's the right time to pick up the euros. It probably is.. Nice work man.
  11. Ok that was perhaps a bit unfair. It is a nice colour, and yes I do own a silver car - arctic silver as well. It doens't look too bad when it's dirty, and it looks really nice when it's clean. However, other colours, like Montreal Blue or Boston Green, look average when dirty, and absolutely fabulous when clean. The change is much bigger, whereas with silver it's not as big a change. Sure you can still tell a dirty one from a clean one, but the improvement from dirty to clean isn't up there with the others.
  12. Heheh I'll use that photo in my auction for my spoiler
  13. Silver is gay, from dirty to clean there's not a big difference. Ya don't feel as satisfied with your efforts. Boston Green is by far the best colour. Good-looking when dirty, downright stunning when sparkling
  14. a13antichrist


    Can't see your mirrors dude...
  15. Yeah I'm really liking those headlights too... look real swish against the black. :thumb:
  16. I posted a question on the auction asking him to explain himself, hasn't replied though so I reported it to TM.. will see if anything happens... I could always just win his auction and then go and see him about it... he's in Wellington too as it happens.. heh.
  17. Guy on TradeMe has swiped one of my pics (I'm assuming from my thread in Rides) to use on his auction... write to TM & get his user banned? Or ask for a cut? heh. http://www.trademe.co.nz/structure/auction...2330&permanent=
  18. It can always be ripped. http://digg.com/movies/Google_Video_Downlo...-_Final_version This might be useful too: http://www.videohelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=283549
  19. Sure. But it's written on the registration ticket - 320i M series. Or can they fudge that as much as they like as well?
  20. OK so we've sorta done the badging thing to death but I just came home and parked outside there's a "1993 320i M Series" - that's what it says on the LTNZ registration label. It has the full body kit incl. spoiler, M3 mags, the rear badge with no model designation and even has M3 mirrors. And, funnily enough, it's automatic. I thought we decided there was no such thing as an "M-series"?
  21. a13antichrist

    Digital SLR

    THere's a firmware hack to upgrade a 300D to a 20D.. wouldn't be surprised if there was one for the 350D as well. But 300D second-hand would be an awesome buy.
  22. Legally, it IS a problem. If a cop does decide to take exception to it you don't have a leg to stand on. In practice though it's as you say, it is a grey area and will depend on how picky the cop is being.
  23. See now here's the thing.. this is my second E36 and both have had the M-sport side mouldings & badges, coloured stitching on the steering wheel but neither had the badge on the back. Then today I saw one with the model badge as well as the ///M badge, so it was ///M325i.. but it didn't have the side mouldings or badges and looked totally like this guy had bought the ///M badge and stuck it on in an attempt to fool people.. though it's not at all the first time I've seen that config. I always figured they had something else that mine didn't.. though as you say it's probably just the dealers trying to up the value a little.
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